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Topic: RE: Anyone hurt MORE now?
Hi ya!
I have already seen a doc about it *sigh* was just having a whine day lol. Usually I can relieve it with these stretches they gave me but was just frustrated with the ouchies lol. Having one of those "WLS should have fixed everything" moments HAHAHA.
Thanks for the reply!!
*Big Hugs*
Felicia =0)
Topic: RE: Anyone hurt MORE now?
Apparently this is common after rapid weight loss. Our bodies haven't adjusted to carrying the newer us. I was hurting so badly I started to see a chiropracter. It is helping. I am also working very hard on my posture. I had learned to slump over with my weight as I sat in my chair at work.
Hope you feel better soon.
Topic: RE: Living in VA finally!!
So glad to see you back posting again Susan! I am happy that you and your family are enjoying your new home/location. Congrats on the wonderful weight loss!

Topic: RE: Completely depressed...
I am going throught he same thing. I feel like a failure because I have not lost 100 lbs yet. I lost 85 and have been the same weight for the past few months. I completely understand how you feel. I wish I knew how to jump start our engines again. Don't give up because no matter where you are today, it's still a better place than you were a year ago. We need to stop beating ourselves up over what the scale reads. Think of how much better you feel.
Hang in there, I know we'll start losing again!

Topic: RE: OT---It is finished--almost
That's awesome! I wish I had neighbors that would've done it for me when we moved in a year ago!
Great job!

Topic: RE: last of this medical problem, I hope!
I am so happy you finally have answers!!!! At least this doctor is doing more for you to find the problem and treat it! I hope you start to feel better soon!

Topic: RE: Anyone hurt MORE now?
I so feel your pain! I use to have pain in my ankles and feet but now that's gone and I have been dealing with this damn back! It truly does suck! I hope you start to get some relief soon. The only thing that helped me was resting my back, prednisone and pain meds. By the end of the day I too walk like a 90 year old woman. No need to worry you are NOT the freak of the bunch!

Topic: RE: Anyone hurt MORE now?
My back has been hurting like crazy lately. Around the bra line and lower back across the hips. I have been chalking it up to things hanging and sagging in new weird and wonderful places.
It is crazy. I am off of all of Lupus and arthritis meds but now my back has been driving me crazy.
Maybe our bodies need to get used to being in a different location than it used to be. i don't know just a thought.
I see my surgeon in a couple of weeks and I plan on complaining very loudly then!
good luck with it Felicia, I hope it lets up for u soon. But see some kind of Doc soon.
You are not a freak or maybe we both are, LOL
Topic: RE: Anyone hurt MORE now?
Actually, my sciatica is tremendously improved, but I did want to respond to you about it. I think I said this recently to someone else here, but once you have that problem, it you have it. My little brother has always been very fit and athletic, but when he gets a sciatic attack, he's crippled with it just like I am. I'm not sure why it's hurting you more now, though, other than your new body getting used to new movements.
Maybe you could consult a PT? Or ask your doc for a scrip for water therapy, if there's anything nearby. I found that to be very helpful.
Sciatica sucks. It's SOOOOOO painful!
Hope you feel better.