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I'm going to jump in on this whine, too. I HATE EXERCISING, TOOOOOOOO!!!! WAAAAAAAA!!!!! My sister joined a gym that a friend of the family opened up. She has Rheumatoid Arthritis and the gym owner does, too, so she offered my sister a REALLY good deal to join. She said she would extend it to my mom and I to be workout buddy's for my sister. She has "Curves" type equipment, two treadmills, a stationary bike, two elipticals, a tanning bed and does fitness classes, like striptease, salsa dancing, stablility ball workout...etc. She is only charging us $20 for the use of the resistance equipment and $30 if we want full access to the gym. I went two days last week and was OK with it. On Tuesdays and Thursdays my kids need picked up from daycare at 3pm. My sister works until 2:30, so my mom was going to pick them up. was thinking about joining because it was going to be so cheap. She went on Friday and liked it. Then I realized I needed to get the kids myself, so I couldn't work out on Tuesday and Thursday. Mondays and Fridays are out because I have the kids with me all day and the child care hours at the gym don't work with our schedules. By the time they have childcare, my sister will be done working out, which defeats the purpose of me working out with my sister. I pointed this out to my mom and she decided to back out of exercising...SHE BACKED OUT!!! She and my sister need it more than me...I just want it to tone up right now, they both need to lose a fair amount of weight. I was just reaching for an excuse to get out of exercising. ANOTHER EXCUSE!!! So I sit here in my towel after my shower, waiting until the last minute to get ready to go join my sister at the gym. I HAVE TO GO!!!! BUT I DONWANNA!!!!!!!! Well...thats my whine. I'm off to dry my hair to go to the gym. Wish me luck that I actually make it there.
I remember your pain well! I started my exercise program in earnest last Jan. I made a promise to myself, I would get up and exercise every day off. I work 3 days (14 hour days), a week, and have 4 off. The first two months I made myself get up, get dressed for the gym, and drive myself there. If after I drove myself to the parking lot, if I had a good reason not to exercise, I could leave. No recriminations to myself, no stern lectures to myself. I have never drove away. There was two days I laid in bed and talked myself out of getting dressed though. Thats when I made the pact with myself to actually drive to the gym before deciding whether or not to exercise. Those early days of getting your hustle on are difficult. Soon it became a contest with myself, how much can I do today. Then it became a pleasure to go. Then it became an obsession! LOL I hear ya, on the feeling wiped out after the gym. Early on, I did come home and take a nap. Only wayI could cope with how miserable I felt after working out. Still, every once in awhile I need to nap after. Depends on how busy I have been otherwise. The only thing I can say, if you are consistent, and keep at it, it does get better. Really!
Lauri WOOHOO! My BMI is in the "overweight" ctaegory!
I DON'T LIKE IT EITHER!!!!!! I enjoy walking, but actually going to Curves....I DON'T WANT TO!! At the end of the day, I am tired from being at work all day and I just want to go home and relax!!!!! I have a Leslie Sansone Walk DVD and my friend Laura said she would come in at least 3 evenings a week to do it with me....BUT have we started?? NO!!!!
You are definitely no alone Felicia on this one!!!
Topic: RE: Anyone hurt MORE now?
That is funny as many people have told me that I look taller too. Isn't that strange. I think it is that my legs look as long as they are (34 inches). Who knows, but I hope the rest of me gets used to what and where I am carrying now.
I'm right there with ya honey!
I can find every excuse imaginable not to exercise, and I have for the past 9 months.
Yes, I walk more than I used to, but I have not been able to stick to a serious routine either.
I HAVE gotten up almost every morning for a week and riden on my stationary bike (5 out of the last 7 days) for at least a half an hour. It has been pretty good. While everyone was doing the "pouch test" I read your post about "why not an exercise test" and I agreed. I decided to get up that half an hour early (that makes it 4:30 AM!) and ride that stupid bike..........well, the week is over and I have GAINED 2 pounds!!!!
I know.....I know......muscle weighs more than fat, maybe I gained a tiny bit of muscle..........(maybe it is that time of the cycle)......BUT it still SUCKS!!!!!!!!
So, just to let you know that you ARE NOT ALONE, I am right here with you! I HATE EXERCISE!!!!!!!!!
there, i said kind of makes me feel better........
Hang in there Felicia!
That said, I will still try getting up the half an hour earlier at least 5 out of 7 days, because it HAS been the easiest way to get that exercise in, but I can't say that I will like it!!!!

I don't want to. I think I am just going to stay hanging and sagging forever and be happy about it *insert childish foot stomping fit here*.
WHYYYYYYYYYYYY can't it be like something bad for me so I would WANT to do it! I seem to have no problem with the things that I shouldn't do like NOT GOING! WHYYYYY cant I just wake up and WANT to go. But noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I find 500 reasons to not go. JUST LIKE WHEN I WAS DIETING! *UGGG*
I hate it. I don't like it when I am doing it, I don't like it after I have done it. Everyone keeps saying how energized they feel after.. I DON'T! I feel like I need a nap after.
I know its in my head. I know its good for me yada yada but I also know that no amount of working out is going to "fix" all the problems I have that I am working out to fix.
I have been walking every day. Some times twice a day but thats only because of the guys lol other wise I wouldn't go. I found a great gym with a place for Joshua to play and I stillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll don't go. THREE DAYS! That is ALL I have gone all freaking month is THREE DAYS! Even got up this morning to go AND talked myself out of it as "well it was dark and I didn't have the heart to wake J up to go" CAN WE SAY EXCUSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I don't want to work out because of guilt. I want to work out because I want to and because I know its good for me. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE if it was that simple I wouldn't have need WLS either cuz I knew that it would have been enough to want to lose weight and because I knew it was good for me. We all know how well THAT went!
I know I just need to pull my head out of my butt and get on the stick and do it but I DON'T WANT TO! How does one "get on the stick" about working out???
Ya Ya I know... JUST GO! *sticks tongue out* I don't wanna and you cant make me. SO THERE! lol
Can we say WHINE moment???
Felicia =0)
Topic: RE: Anyone hurt MORE now?
Hi ya!!
I work hard at it to lately. I try and catch myself slouching and straighten up. When we are out walking I make hubby keep an eye on me so I don't slouch lol. Strange how I don't remember slouching before but I must have been doing it. Just to hard to tell I was doing it I guess.
Thanks for the reply!!
Felicia =0)
Topic: RE: Anyone hurt MORE now?
Hi ya!!
Well I guess we have to still look at the bright side that the pain is still better then the fat HAHAHAHA ok so most days it is.
Hope your back gets better sooon!!
*light hugs*
Felicia =0)
Topic: RE: Anyone hurt MORE now?
Hi ya!!
I am sure its just the sagging and hanging and lack of tone ( its pretty major) but it was a whine day LOL. Hubby stated that I am standing almost an inch taller now lol so everything is hanging and sagging in a different location. I told him I don't care *whine* that its tiring feeling that old lol. Hope you find something to make your back feel better!!
Felicia =0)