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What a difference almost two years make. Did we ever think that when we all started on this board so eagerly that it would dwindle down like it has?
I know and love that we've all gotten on with our new, improved lives and I'm so proud of every one, but it would be so nice if every once in a while, like now we hear how everyone is doing.
I've been having a wonderful year so far dispite still getting depressed at times over mom not being here. It seems sometimes as if she just died last week and at other times, it feels like it's been forever. I still can't believe that it's been 17 months since she died. Our (my sister and mine) world will never be the same again.
I haven't met my personal goal of 150#'s yet, I go between 164 and 166, not complaining though, it's so much better than where I started out at, 313#'s. I haven't had a really serious asthma attack in almost 2 years, don't take any more medicine for hypertension, no heel spurs, no more painful knees or back, can and do walk up and down 4 flights of stairs at work and I tend to run down the halls of my areas of the hospital instead of walking. I've gone from a size 26/28 to a 14/16. I just today went out and bought new bras for the first time, yes, I said for the first time. I went from a 44c to a 36c, the girls are long floppy pan cakes now instead of fluffy muffins.
My surgeon never set a goal for me. I haven't been back
So, enough about me, how has every one been doing since we all last chated? Hope to hear from everyone sometime or other.
Lots of love, kisses and blessings on all of you
DONNA, SFY (southern fried yankee)
If you are considering WLS and need someone to talk to, send me an email at:
smith*******[email protected] and I'll be happy to discuss. gerybariatrics/content.aspx?id=2762
It has been one bumpy ride with more potholes ahead. Even so, this has been the best thing I have ever done for myself.
I am off all 10 meds and no longer need injections in my knees to walk. I jump on a trampoline with my granddaughter.
My weight is down 207 pounds. I haven't EVER been this size in my adult life.
Ahh yes, the bumps. At first I spent an extra 10 days in the hospital for an infected blood clot. That felt annoying!
Last Fall I caught every sniffle and cold in town, had bronchitus, developed pneumonia, and became dehydrated due to a prolonged high fever. Most irritating.
I developed periferal neuropathy in my legs and arms. This is usually caused by a vitamin defeciency, the Neurologist said mine was caused by rapid weight loss. I never miss my supplements and all labs were perfect. Bummer.
I have had 2 surgeries for bowel compression, scar tissue & adhesions, and twice for hernias. Tomorrow morning I have the third hernia surgery and will have a mesh tummy. OH RATS!!
Despite all this, I actually feel wonderful. It is fun to move, walk, run and jump without feeling like I am dead. Reaching in my closet and slipping into a size 2 or 4 instead of squeezing into a tight size 28 is simply marvelous.
I hope the past two years have been all you dreamed of and more. They have been good for me.
Hello October Sisters,
I hope all is well! Well good news first. I am down to 130! My vitamins levels are all perfect. I look better then I ever thought I would. I am so glad to see that everyone is doing great! despite some issues, I completely feel this surgery saved my life..
Bad news.. About 5 months ago I started to not feel good. I would have episodes to where I was feeling high anxiety, rushes of adrenaline, a 3rd person feeling when people would talk to me, confusion, and super tired, numb tongue. This would happen about once a month then go away. Saw my GB Doc and PCP. They tested me for Hypoglycemia. Which I was positive for. Sent me to an endocrinologist. Started testing my blood sugar 8 times a day and more when I was having this episode feeling. Never did my blood sugar drop below 85. Then this started happening once a week. Each time stronger and longer then the last. One time I didn't even remember driving home from work. I knew in my heart something was super wrong. Made an appointment with my PCP again for the Next week. One morning I woke up and just knew something was going to happen. Didn't know what it was going to be but I could feel it. My left side of face was numb. I woke up my son and told him I needed to go the ER. Before I could even get to the car, i thought I was going to pass out. Couldn't figure out how to open the car door. I fell to the ground and told my Son to call 911. Got to the ER and they told me I needed to see a neurologist. While waiting for that approval and appointment for 3 days, these episodes would happen 5 times a day!! It was so scary. I went to an emergency visit with my PCP and had an episode there in her office. Thank God so she could see what was going on. Come to find out, I am having Temporal Lobe Seizures. I have been through all kind of tests now to find out why. EEG's MRI's. Etc.. Everything is negative. So that's a good thing. No tumors or infection. But what is causing these?? No one seems to know. And all say it cant be GB related.. I question that??
They have put me on Anti Seizure meds. I have been out of work for 3 weeks so far. I feel better, The side of my face isn't numb anymore and the episodes are still happening but not as strong or as often. The more I increase my meds they said they will go away. I increase to a higher dosage next week. I have done some research about GB and Seizures. It does happen in some cases but most is because of Hypoglycemia. Which they have ruled out of cause. Soooo.. That is where I stand.
I am still Happy I had this surgery. I really feel i would be worse off if I didn't.
I cant wait to see every ones posts as their 2 years approach.
Can you believe it has been 2 years??
Luv and Hugs!!!
We met via our local Mensa group, when he posted a new discussion topic to the local yahoo group and I responded. His post was on Romance and Chivalry; I suggested that he just relax, be himself, and make her laugh and he'd do fine
On the 4th date, he asked about my taste in engagment rings...I think my answer was something like: "EEEK!"
But Love won out and here we are...and it's so good...
Hey Lisa,
What a wonderful announcement to see when we first open to our forum. I'd like to add my congratulations and best wishes along w/ everone elses.
May you have a long and happy life together w/ Steve.
Blessings on you both.
DONNA, SFY (southern fired yankee)
I am SOOO glad that you found your soul mate and have "sealed the deal".
May you have a wonderful, long, happy life together!
Steve and I have been together since February and are deeply in love. The wedding planning was making us we decided to just get married...which we did last night, with under 30 hours planning!
It was a beautiful candlelight wedding in friends' yard, beside their weeping willow. We are so happy!
Congratulations Lisa!! What a WOW moment that is!!! You give me hope that there is indeed someone out there for me...
How have you been doing? our 2 year anniversary is right around the corner - I'm 13 pounds away from losing 300 pounds... that blows me away more than when I look in the mirror, still see the old me.
How did you meet?