Hey everyone!!!

on 10/4/08 9:31 pm - Rileyville, VA
Man, what a wonderful 2 years this has been!!! And you know what? It keeps getting better!!! I will admit, I totally forgot that yesterday was my 2 year anniversary...lol...how could I forget a thing like that???

Here is an update on me...

Well, I am weighing about 144 lbs, you know how it goes with the 2-3 lb lose/gain thing. I still have people tell me that I should lose no more but I try to tell them that I haven't and sometimes I eat like a grazing cow. I do eat anything that I want with moderate amounts of course. I do ALOT of walking on the job so I know that is a big help to keep the weight down. I don't know if any of you remember but I have always said that I did not want any PS and probably wouldn't need it. Well, I am still happy with the way the extra loose skin has tightened to a certain degree and feel it helps give me a little bit of a curve effect...lol. The worse thing is my boobs...I have none left really. I finally decided since I did not want a boob job that I would invest in some nice shapely fully padded bras. I am happy with the results and didn't have to spend alot of money or go threw alot of pain to get the look I wanted .

Now for the everyday like that I live. You may or not remember that my oldest son spent 6 months in jail last year. He got out this past Jan. It has been really tough for him to find a job with a record. He has really changed for the good of course. He is not socializing with the old friends that he had and helps alot more around the house. We were able to get him on the job training to be a service tech on vehicles at his uncles shop. The program is threw Dept of Rehab Services for those with learning disablities. His uncle can not pay him to work for him but the state of VA gives him $2.70 an hour to help pay for his gas and insurance on his truck.

Now for my really BIG news!!!!

I AM GONNA BE A GRANDMA!!!! My 19 and a half is gonna be a daddy. At least we think he is? He and his girlfriend went threw some tough times over the summer. It was one of those on/off deals. Well, in July it was on and things was going pretty good between them. In August, they broke up again and she just decided to sleep with someone else. Then her and my son got back together. The middle of last month she started thinking she was pregnant and sure enough she was. She has been to the doctor and he rules that she is now 11 weeks pregnant. With the ultrasound, blood work and the exam it points to it being my sons baby. There was about 2-3 weeks time spand between my son and the other boy. There is very little doubt in my mind that it could be the other boys baby but we will have DNA done when it is born to be on the safe side. If it is his baby they will be moving in with us since we have more room here for the 3 of them. I am really eager to get things going round here to make the room for them but I try to hold back a little because I really don't know what the out come will be. Either way with what I need to do around here could stand to be done anyway so I need to get crackin on it. She is almost 3 months and I know the next 6 months can come fast if I need to make a nursery room here. Ashlee (Joey's girfriend) and I are praying for it to be Joey's and we are also hoping for a girl. I have always told my boys that when they have children they need to bring my granddaughters, at least the first one anyway. I never had a sister and gave birth to 2 sons so a granddaughter would really fulfill my life.

I am so thankful to God for my life. Everything keeps coming up roses finally...and I pray it stays that way! I feel sooo much better since I got rid of the 120 lbs that was dragging me down everyday and now I get to hopefully I will get the chance to enjoy my grandchildren. The economy has put a little bit of a pinch on us but I don't think it has effected us anything like it has most people. My husband and I both have jobs that are in high demands. Everyone needs their lights on (my husbands job) and everyone needs to shop at Walmart (my job).

Well, friends sorry it has been sooo long since I have been on here but I thought I would give you all an update on myself and my life. I hope everyone of you are doing well and enjoying your new self as I am.

Lisa S
E velyn
on 10/10/08 10:00 am
Woo Hoo Lisa!  Congratulations on the grandma front!  And on your son finding a job and getting on with his life.  And to you!  For taking off and keeping off the weight.  I am happy for you and PROUD of you!

on 10/10/08 5:35 pm - Rileyville, VA
Thank you for your nice comment! How are things with you going? I see you have done a great job with your weightloss as well. Good going girl!!!

Lisa S
on 10/15/08 2:01 am - Rock City, IL
Hi Lisa!

It seems like everything is looking up for you!  Great job!!!

Congratulations on your 2nd surgiversary and keep up the great work!


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