Metallic taste in my mouth
Hi Ladies,
Hope everyone is doing well..
I was wondering if anyone has had a wierd taste in your mouth before? It is strange. Like every few days I get this taste in my mouth like metal or something and it lasts 2 days then goes away.. then comes back.. My breath doesnt smell bad, (I asked my son.. lol) My teeth are fine.. It is almost like my tongue is numb when it happens.. and my teeth feel wierd. Very odd huh? I tired to look it up but couldnt find anything. I was thinking maybe lacking some vit or something.. Does anyone have an idea? If it continues I will make an appointment with my Doc.. But just to ease my mind right now, any suggestions or experience info would help..
Thanks guys!!
Hugs and Luv!!
Hi, Tiff. Sorry, I can't help you, but I have never heard of that. I just wanted to let you know that I'm glad to hear that your breath doesn't stink...LOL. I know when mine does my kids are the first to point it out. Megan says, "Mommy, your breaf stinks". Why thank you very much sweetie...your butt stinks!!! LOL.
Hope you can find out what it causing that. That is odd that your tongue feels numb when this happens...weird. Let us know what you find out.
Hope you are enjoying your sunny Cali weather. I'm sitting her in my livingroom facing my front window, jus****ching the snow blow. We've gotten at least 2 inches, possible 3 since last night. Hopefully we can build a snowman, soon. Well, not me...still not up to doing much these days.
Hugs, sweetie.
Hi Guys.. Thanks for the response. I went ahead and made an appointment with my PCP. It got really really bad yesterday.. My mom thinks it lack of minerals. Like Zink and Iron. She heard that happens. So, I go see my PCP Friday 12/7 at 1 Cali time.. I will keep you posted...
To funny Tabby.. breaf.. My kids use to say berfday. and fumb (thumb).. lol.. love it..
I will post as saturday.
Hi Tiffany
Back in the 70s i used to have to see the dentist regularly, and i used to get numbing injections inside my cheeks before he could work on my mouth. for years afterwards i would get sporadically this numbing, metallic taste in my mouth, from the place in my cheeks where i got the injections. it seemed to have finally disappeared.