Put a Check by my last Goal!
I am now exactly half the women that I was when I started this jouney. I was hoping to reach this goal by the 19th and I made it!!! Yippeee
This was the final goal on my check list and I did it. I can't beleive it. I guess now I will have to start a new goal list whi*****lude maintaining this weight and never ever getting that big again.
I started out with a BMI of 47.7 and now I have a BMI of 23.7 that is a loss of 24 points! Gosh I am not even 24 BMI points anymore.
I hope we are all acheiving those goals or getting really close to your goals. I know that if I can check them all off of the list the YOU CAN TOO!!
That is so funny Tara, I am exactly 1/2 the person I was too. Today I am 160 lbs and at my heaviest weight I was 320 so I have lost exactly 160lbs. Crazy and today is my re-birthday...
Congrats to you! You look great.
This has really been such an amazing year in my life. Thank you all so much for your posts.
Take Care,