New to the October 2006 forum
Hey all, First of all, thank you Annette for letting me know about this forum. My name is Kate and I had an open GBP with gall bladder removal Oct 12,2006. I have experienced many problems in the last 11 months, but will not go into it all right now. The main concern the surgeon and nutritionist are having at this point is the fact that I am loosing too much too fast. I can't eat more then 2/3 C of solid food at a sitting and I can't eat more then two meals a day. I have extreame stomach pain when I eat anything solid and most dairy products ( so bad I am usually curled up in a ball in bed within 30 mins from eating and it lasts for an hour or two). So I rely on a lot of liquid nuetrients and protien shakes. They have placed me on a liquid medicine for acid reflux to help coat the digestive tract which has helped some (I can not stomach any pills, so all of my meds including vitamins are in liquid form). The doctor has also said that if this can not be corrected soon (what soon is, I do not know) then I am looking at malnutrien and organ damage. My vitiman and other important levels are slowing going down hill because I can not seem to get rid of "the runs", even with anti diahreal meds (which I cant take because I go from one extream to another, I couldn't go for 9 days after one dose of it). Anyone else having these problems??? I am just sick of being sick all the time. I can't work because of this, no energy at all. I am also becoming very depressed and wishing I had never had the surgery now. At least when I was 300 plus pounds I could work and accually had a life. Now my life is eating, bed and bathroom, LOL.
I just want to say welcome to the board. The are a lot of great people here and maybe someone can lend you some advice.
It has quieted down on this board. It seems like the more we have lost the less active we have become on the board as we are all out running about.
I am sorry to hear about all the troubles you are having. I don't have any advice to offer as I have not experienced any of those symptoms. I do hope that the doctors continue to watch over you and that you are able to find some comfort soon!
Sorry that I can't help much but we are all here to listen and share problems and accomplishments.
Welcome aboard,