Today is DAY TWO of the FiveDay Pouch Test!!! Today is ALL LIQUIDS. You can have as many low-carb protein shakes as you like to satisfy hunger or cravings. In addition drink at least six 8-ounce glasses of water each day. The purpose of all liquids is to break any snacking, grazing or processed carbohydrate habits. In addition the liquids will work to cleanse your system and prepare you for the following three days. Try to reduce your caffeine intake as well, but do not stop caffeine cold turkey or you will feel sick and frustrated potentially losing the desire to continue with the pouch test.
If you notice symptoms of carbohydrate withdrawal you can eat a small piece of melon or an orange. You can also try a dose of Emergen-C which should reduce headache, dizziness or cramping from carbohydrate withdrawal.
What was your weight this morning?
How are you feeling today? Any headaches? Upset stomach? Crankiness?
Did you exercise? If so, what did you do?
Aside from Water and Protein shakes are you having anything else today?
Tomorrow we get to eat FOOD!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
Hope everyone is doing and feeling well.
I didn't do as well yesterday as I hoped I would. I was so hungry when I got home! I did eat a little....but not much. I did notice that I didn't "graze" ....except for the few crackers that I had....but I didn't have anything all evening except for water! I'm going to have lots of protein shakes today.....water....and I brought some SF jello with me.....if I get that hungry feeling like I did yesterday, I do have some turkey jerky here as well....
Good luck today!
Sounds like you had a great game plan for today, Holly. Hope you did well. Tomorrow we get to EAT FOOD!!! LOL. The two days weren't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm looking forward to Saturday to see how much weight I'm going to lose by doing this. I know this is just what I needed to get back on the protein track. Can't wait to see how everyones Hump day goes!!!
Good Morning all! Holly don't beat yourself up! This is a test! Only a test! (you know the rest of the broadcast! LOL) Don't stress over it tomorrow is done gone! BYE! BYE! Today is fresh and new! Tomorrow we get to chew!
I did find out that Jello was ok! So I had a lil jello last night. Also I mix my protein drink up in the bullet(every day) and I add some ice and a lil non fat milk to it. It is more like a milkshake then and a lot easier for me to down them!
Just jump on the train! We will cheer you on!!! I jumped on the one on the Callie board a day late the first time I tried it! This time was a lot easier for me! The first time on the first day I had a meeting(luncheon), 2nd day my daughter's friend's bday, 3rd day my daughter's 16th bday with family party, 5th day my daughters luau bday party! Lord knows it was a struggle! But I felt like I accomplished something important for my health!