I DID IT! I made an appointment!
I cant wait!! Will be nice to wear it in some other way then just a pony tail all the time to try and tame it lmaooo I would also like to look like I was still in high school. I haven't changed my "style" either for way to many years. Its hard with so much curl to figure out what to do with it *sigh*. So I just can not wait to get it done up lol
Felicia =0)
That is great! Just a word from the wise....I too have curly hair and when I asked my hairdresser about straightening mine she said absolutely not. They can get it straight but it's not a healthy straight. Then, as your hair starts to grow in it'll continue to grow in curly like before. She recommended just using a straightening iron when I wanted straight hair.
Maybe your hairdresser would have a different outlook on the situation so I would love to hear what he/she has to say. In any case, I am happy that you are doing something for yourself. From now until then look through magazines and see if you see any styles you like. I think layers would look great on you.
I had to laugh at one of the replies about the poor hairdresser pumping up our chairs. That is true embarassment! But, not anymore!!!!
They can pump without breaking a blood vessel in their heads now. LOL
Can't wait to see the new pics!
I was trying to think back to how old I was when I first started getting my hair straightened... It was some time in my teens if I remember right. At least twice a year till I got pregnant at 28. Then I stopped to have the baby and well life took over and never got to go back.
I can not wait to get it straightened again lol. I can do it with an iron but it takes me over an hour since I have so much hair (Yes even after it all fell out I can still only wrap a scrunchy around it twice because its so thick) and it doesn't last. Heaven help me if there is any humidity cuz ACK poof. I never get it stick straight. Although for at least a day it does stay super stick straight. But then it is at least controllable for a couple of months. Curls I could handle. What I have is a monstrous mess.
Here is it straight-ish with an iron: http://www.djfsmith.com/f/wp-content/display/me/straighthair.jpg
Here is it normally: http://www.djfsmith.com/f/wp-content/display/misc/hair51907b.jpg
And it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger as the day goes by lol. It tangles and knots and frankly I hate it lol. Curls would be WONDERFUL. Which is what I normally get after a few days when its been straightened.
Its all the exact same length right now except the bangs that I just lopped off every once in a while lol. Will be nice to get some movement in it again.
Oh I got your photo too! I will get that done up for you in just a bit.
Felicia =0)
I lost hand fulls at a time. (I used to be only able to get a scrunchy around ONCE if you can believe it lol) So its actually nice now that its a "bit thinner". Less shampoo needed LOLOLOLOL What fell out seems to be growing back ok but dang nab it if its not growing back G R A Y!! *sigh*
Felicia =0)
I just want to get it colored once. Take a picture LOL and then it can go as gray as its little heart wants to. I know I would never be able to keep up with the color. Not to mention I watched my Mom for YEARS AND YEARS try and keep up with coloring her hair and UGGG who wants that. Her hair was a beautiful white when she left it alone AND she actually looked YOUNGER with it white then when she colored it.
Felicia =0)
I want to see LOTS of pictures after your appointment Felicia!!!! My daughter is a cosmetology student in school -- this will be her third year -- she will get to take her state boards this year -- she is always wanting me to do something different with my hair! She even convinced me to color it blonde (I had dirty blonde hair before) so I did! It actually makes me feel a little younger!!!!!! I think this is a wonderful WOW moment for you!!!!