Thursday Roll Call
Good morning October Sisters!!!!
I thought I would start this as a way to keep in touch, not necessarily weight related.
All you lurkers, come on out and tell a bit about what is going on in your life today!
If I don't get to it in the morning, feel free to start without me.
I had my mamogram this morning and will work all day.
My kids and husband are scheduled in the lemonade stand at the county fair this evening, so I will be home alone......IF I can get there in time to enjoy it. After work I will be taking my aunt home (I brought her in with me today to catch up on our filing), stopping by to see Amber and Miss Riley, then off to Wally-World to get the last minute school supplies for the kids to start tomorrow.
I DO hope everyone has a lovely day!!!!!
What's up with you?
Hi, Dawn. I hope your mammo went well.
Today I am booked. I only slept 3 hours after work this morning and didn't even nap at work last night, like I usually do. I have too much to do that I couldn't sleep (doesn't help that I didn't take my Simply Sleep that I usually take after work). I am making a baby afghan for a shower I am going to on Saturday, I have a Tastefully Simple party on Sunday, so I have some housecleaning and decluttering to do before then, I have Girl Night tomorrow, so I wanted to go through my closet and the kids' closets to get bags of stuff to have my friends go through to see if they want anything before I send it off to Goodwill or a Consignment store. I also want to get up to my MIL's to help her take my kids and my three nieces over to the neighbors to sister is having her debut Mary Kay party this evening and I have to have her rep follow me to her house in BFE, and FINALLY...I have to work, I'm exhausted just typing it and did I mention I only slept for 3 hours? OMG...why am I on the computer right now. Gotta run.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Great idea Dawn!
I am enjoying the last of a quiet week here.
My spinning and water aerobics classes are done for teh summer and the new session doesn't start for three weeks. TOnight workout will be called "walk the dog and the husband."
I'm just finishing up a VERY quiet day at work (it's almost Friday) and then I'll head straight home to cook dinner and we'll take a nice long stroll after that because it is FINALLY done raining!
Ok everyone is so busy! LOL lets see... today I worked out at The Circuit this morning then went on a 1 mile walk with Joshua. We have spent the day making pine cone owls, watching 1950's Disney cartoons and today was also plant washing day. This afternoon I have to tackle the dishes before the piles start falling over onto the floor. This evening I have a whole bunch of quite time planned as the guys are headed to the weekly "show your car off " drive in. So I am hoping for a lonnnnnnnnnnng hot shower and some peace and quite. My luck its going to rain lololol.
Can you believe that school is starting already? Summer went poof!
Felicia =0)
I typed out a whole long thing, and the board wigged out, and I lost it all!! DRAT! I never really introduced myself. Im Lauri, I live in Ohio. Im 47. I am a nurse, I work in ICU, and have for the last 25 years. I did do a brief stint in ER for 5 years. I am a single mom of one son, since he was 1 years old. He is now 17. He has learning disabilities, so "I" was always put on the backburner. I basically tutored him his whole formative years, everyday after school. He is self sufficient now, igniting me to finally think about me. Leading me to WLS. He is my biggest champion. I get such a kick out of seeing the glow on his face when he finds a SF diddy at the market. I have been tossing around the idea of going back to school, but truthfully, I am really looking toward the retiring years. So Im not sure I want to spend the time and effort going back to school. I love to scrapbook. But lately my favorite hobby is shopping! LOL Gotta love that Goodwill. I found a winter coat today for 10.00!! A London Fog to boot. Any romantic interests have always been on the backburner also, in favor of my son. I am SO ready for romance!! LOL Thats it in a nutshell. Nice to meet you all.
Hi Lauri, and everyone else too! Lauri and I have several similarities.. I am also an RN and a single mom of a 17 year old. He has learning disabilities and I tutored him for years, and actually had to develop his educational therapies since no one in the county seemed to be able to teach him -- and he is so smart! He just learns differently. Mike is now fully mainstreamed and will graduate from high school this year with a regular high school diploma and a low B average!
I left critical care and went into administration to get a schedule that more closely matched my son' s needs. I am now 53, and looking toward going back to school for my PhD in Organizational Development.
My marriage did not survive the rigors of our son's special needs, so I have been single a long time.
Well I am late but here was my day:
This morning.....laid on the couch
This afternoon....laid on the couch
This evening.....sitting for a few minutes to catch up OH and then back to the couch I go!
This sucks!!! I am going for a lumbar epideral next week. I pray to God this helps so I can get moving again!
Well, this is perfect as I have some news to share.
After 6 maybe 8 years (*****members at my age), I can stop using my cpap machine. I went from moderate to severe apnea to very mild. My pulminologist called me yesterday to give me my results. I went from 38 breathing interruptions an hour to 13. My biggest concern is that I am so used to falling alseep wearing that mask that it may take me a while to learn to sleep without it.
I am testing no machine for a few weeks to see how I adjust and if I feel very tired after sleeping. I slept fairly well last night.
Here's to normal tossing and turning!!!!!