Update on my pain/discomfort
Well, went to the dr. She doesn't think it's anything surgery related; no intestinal problems, stones or whatsoever. She's running labs and urine; she thinks my floater ribs are bruised; maybe from sleeping or working out; told me to take Celebrex for 3 days; if I don't see it getting better, then she'll send me for a cat scan but really feels it's nothing but the ribs. She pressed and squeezed everywhere and gave me a thorough exam. I'm just relieved it's nothing surgery related nor stones; she said she'll test the urine, I could have a UTI or kidney/bladder infection. I'm just relieved I don't have twisted intestines or something that would cause me to go back in for surgery. It's a big relief.
Thanks everyone, for your support!
I am so glad it is nothing that you have to go back in for. PHEW!!!
Get some rest and hopefully the new medicines will take care of it for you.
I just had a UTI and I had pain that I was a tad worried about but once the meds kicked in I felt a ton better so maybe it is just that. Keep us updated.
Big Hugs,