Hey just wanted to let you all know that I am lurking at times here....My back pain has gotten so bad that I went to ER Sunday afternoon and they gave me a shot of morphine and valium...Wow!!! That took the pain away for about 10 hours and now its back in full force!!! So now I called the pcp and he gave me some lidocain patches to try. Have to call him back next week and we will go from there. Not sure if this pain is from the fall I took 6 weeks ago or not. I am thinking it is because the pain I had before has been gone for a long time and this pain is way different now!!!! I can't sit long or stand long. Laying down flat helps some. I also have a prescription for valium and that isn't working so good at all.
Just want to say congrats to those that are doing great on their loss and prayers for those that need them....Have to go lay down again...Back is starting to hurt again.
Love and miss you all....Hugs Judy