Keeping on the Wagon - Friday
Ok, realizing that a plan is just a it goes.
I walked out without making my shake this morning, this will force me to find other ways to meet my protein goals for the day:
B:Fillet Mignon (about 2 oz) and some cheese : 20g
S: 1/2 atkins bar 10g
L: Chicken Marsala (lean cuisine - low carb) and veggies 15g
S: 1 /2 Atkins bar 10g
D: I will cook - chicken probably 20g
S: optional - nsa tapioca pudding or sugar free fudgecicle (4g)
Fluids: 80oz is my goal for the day
Excercise: none (I WILL start back up after the wedding, I promise)
My to-do list is getting shorter. We will be having the memorial service for The Boys grandmother a couple of weeks after we return from the honeymoon, so no worries about that. We finished the seating chart for the reception last night. Tomorrow we head out to buy plants for the reception (thank goodness it's finally warm enough to buy them and keep them outside until the "big day") and we will get our bridal party and parent gifts then too. It's hard to believe, it's just a week away!