QOTD - Tuesday
Hi everyone!! Well, as usual, I forgot to come up with questions last night, so I'm composing at the keyboard again. Hope these are fun for you. I have a feeling they are going to be super lame today.
1. Which days do you have trash pick up? Who puts out the trash?
2. What did you have for dinner last night?
3. About how many hours of tv do you watch per day?
4. What is your favorite breed of dog?
5. What is your favorite breed of cat?
6. Do you have fish? What kind/kinds?
7. Do you have a pet bird? Have you ever? What was it? If you don't/haven't, did/do you want one? Which kind?
8. How much is gas in your area?
9. Do you have plans for a vacation this summer? Where will you go? What will you do?
10. What is one of your favorite memories?
Have a great day everyone!!! Susan

1. Which days do you have trash pick up? Who puts out the trash? Tuesday and Friday. I usually put it out if hubby doesn't have time before he goes to work. Sometimes, if the older boys are ready in time, I'll ask them to put it by the curb for me. I always bring the cans back to the house though....no one else seems to be able to accomplish that task.
2. What did you have for dinner last night? Ham and scalloped potatoes. YUM! The rest of the family also had broccoli and rolls and Easter candy for dessert.
3. About how many hours of tv do you watch per day? I usually have it on during the day just for noise, but rarely watch anymore unless I'm caught up on the chores I want to get accomplished. Some nights I watch maybe 1-2 hours, other nights I watch way more - up to 5-6 hours. Just depends on my mood and what's on.
4. What is your favorite breed of dog? What I have - a miniature schnauzer. Also love Golden Labs, yorkies, toy poodles, beagles (the small ones), papillons, Jack Russell Terriers.....the list goes on.
5. What is your favorite breed of cat? Any as long as they belong to someone else. Actually I do like cats and my favorite is the Siamese, but Matthew is allergic to them (sets his asthma off REALLY badly), so no cats for us.
6. Do you have fish? What kind/kinds? Don't have any, but I did have fantail goldfish before I got married. I loved them. They are so pretty.
7. Do you have a pet bird? Have you ever? What was it? If you don't/haven't, did/do you want one? Which kind? I've never had a bird. Sometimes I get crazy and think about getting one and then I remember bird sitting a friends canaries. No thank you. The male got out, crapped all over her apartment and I had to call a friend to come catch the darn thing and then I spent HOURS cleaning up the bird poop afterwards. Was not a fun day!
8. How much is gas in your area? $2.69, the highest it's been so far. I hope it doesn't go any higher!
9. Do you have plans for a vacation this summer? Where will you go? What will you do? No plans for an actual vacation as we are selling the house and moving to VA. But, I do plan on taking the kids to Baton Rouge to meet my in-laws who will take them to AL for the summer/until house sells. The oldest son and I will stay here in TX, but I'm planning some day trips with him - zoo, amusement parks, etc. And, once the house sells, we will go to VA to buy a new one and will hit some of the sights there also, I hope. Then, just moving and all that entails. It's going to be a CRAZY summer!
10. What is one of your favorite memories? Hmmmm....from childhood, vacations with my parents. We had so much fun together. From adulthood, bringing my babies home from the hospital. That first walk thru the door holding my newborn in my arms is precious.

1. Which days do you have trash pick up? Who puts out the trash? I'm still trying to get it straight. At my apartment it is on Monday mornings, I put it out on Saturdays (I know it's early - but I'm not there on Sundays). At The Boy's it is also Monday mornings and also (I think) Thursdays. The Boy takes care of it.
2. What did you have for dinner last night? TGIFridays Pecan Crusted chicken salad, sooo yum. (dressing on the side), I ate maybe 1/4 of it.
3. About how many hours of tv do you watch per day? 1-2
4. What is your favorite breed of dog? For the sake of not offending my Cookie, I will say ****apoo's. Actually I will be truthful and say any poodle mix at all. I don't like "pure poodle's" but I love when you mix their brains with the personalities of any other type of dog. My only wish is that Cookie would have gotten poodle hair instead of ****er spaniel hair as she sheds all over!
5. What is your favorite breed of cat? Um, I don't know. I'm not really a cat person. I've met some that I like, but I don't know much about "breeds" of cats.
6. Do you have fish? What kind/kinds? I don't have fish.
7. Do you have a pet bird? Have you ever? What was it? If you don't/haven't, did/do you want one? Which kind? Never had a pet bird. We had ****atiels at the bookstore where I worked back in the late 90's. I dated the brother of the owner - and it was his job to take care of the birds in the evening. We would get them out of the cage and play with them. One of them was sweet, the other was mean. Either way - they were NOISY suckers "HELLO! HELLO!" all day long.
8. How much is gas in your area? 2.77 at the cheaper stations.
9. Do you have plans for a vacation this summer? Where will you go? What will you do? 1st vacation will be my honeymoon (less than 2 weeks away!). We are going to Bermuda. We've gotten all kinds of recomendations on "must do's" We know we are going to go snorkeling, we are also planning a few geocaching adventure (using mopeds to get to where we need to be), and I would like to try kyaking. In June we are heading to Pigeon Forge with my family. We plan on hiking, more geocaching, white water rafting, maybe kyaking again. I'm ready!
10. What is one of your favorite memories? One of my favorite memories would be a day I spent exploring in Alaska with a good friend (who I had a crush on at the time). He and I borrowed a car from friends and took off from our village to Anchorage for a long weekend. One day (while staying in Anchorage) we went exploring at this place called Hatchers Pass. It was the highest I had been in the mountains in Alaska, we ended up so far up that we had to turn the car around (snow blocked the road..and this was late May!). The view was beautiful and I discovered my favorite place on earth that day. I returned while visiting on vacation about 5 years later. I tried to return again on my last trip up (which was 3 years ago) - but it rained the days we were in Anchorage and we weren't able to make the trip.
I LOVE Pigeon Forge!!!! That was one of our favorite places to vacation when I was growing up!! My parents and I did lots of hiking on our trips there. Too much fun. Oh, what a wonderful memories you just brought back to me!!! I loved going anywhere with my parents, but PF was my all time favorite!!!!
Especially one time when we were there, we had packed a picnic lunch for the day and went out exploring. My Dad decided to take a "shortcut" and we ended up on a one lane gravel road going thru the forest. It was scary. But, we found the most beautiful spot for lunch. It was by a mountain stream that had these HUGE boulders in the middle of it and fortunately, rocks to step on to ge to them. So, we scampered across and had lunch sitting on the boulders - all the while, watching for bears. LOL It was so peaceful and serene. We still talk about that day - and it was 25 years ago!!!

We have never been. In fact we have never been anywhere as an entire family (all sibling, spouses, parents, kids..the whole gang). My mother wanted to do this for us as our christmas gift this past year. She told me to plan something while I was home recovering from my surger in October / November. I picked PF because it seemed like there would be plenty to keep even the kiddo's happy and the old folks would be just as pleased sitting on the front porch of the cabin and fishing all week.
1. Which days do you have trash pick up? Who puts out the trash? Thursday mornings, my hubby.
2. What did you have for dinner last night? Chili with ground turkey meat
3. About how many hours of tv do you watch per day? 3
4. What is your favorite breed of dog? Irish Setter
5. What is your favorite breed of cat? Don't have one
6. Do you have fish? What kind/kinds? No
7. Do you have a pet bird? Have you ever? What was it? If you don't/haven't, did/do you want one? Which kind? No. No, No.
8. How much is gas in your area? $2.79
9. Do you have plans for a vacation this summer? Where will you go? What will you do? We're planning to go camping a couple of times! The first weekend is MOther's Day weekend and the second over Memorial Day...
10. What is one of your favorite memories? Too many name!
1. Which days do you have trash pick up? Who puts out the trash? Tuesday is trash day. DH usually puts it out at the street...but I have to carry the bags from the house to the can most of the time.
2. What did you have for dinner last night? Chicken breast, green beans, and sweet corn cake.
3. About how many hours of tv do you watch per day? An average of probably 3.
4. What is your favorite breed of dog? I would like to have a Boston Terrier or French Bulldog.
5. What is your favorite breed of cat? Maine Coon
6. Do you have fish? What kind/kinds? Nope, I used to have a Beta in my office.
7. Do you have a pet bird? Have you ever? What was it? If you don't/haven't, did/do you want one? Which kind? Not anymore. I used to have parakeets, finches and once had a ****atoo.
8. How much is gas in your area? $2.75
9. Do you have plans for a vacation this summer? Where will you go? What will you do? DH and I are discussing this. I'm sending off for brochures.
10. What is one of your favorite memories? Riding the tractor with my dad when I was little. I got to ride on the fender while he plowed. He would sing "Farther Along" over and over.