Hey Holly...
From previous experience working in a doctor's office, I can tell you what's going on. They are waiting to get the results from the center that did the Upper GI. At that place, the head radiologist has to review the films and then dictate his findings...and then someone has to type it up - along with EVERYONE else's results...and then, finally, they will send your info to your doctor.
IF your doctor had requested a "wet reading" they would've had the results within an hour of you having the procedure. Otherwise, it takes a while to get the results. The only way to get the results any faster at this point is for your PCM's office to contact them and say they need the results NOW....and even then, there may be a wait.
Hope this helps with your frustration a bit. OH, if the tech had seen something , more than likely, he/she would've grabbed the radiologist to take a look and they would've called your PCM. So, in this case, no news may be good news.