Update on me and leg and soforth...
Advanced warning....sorry so long
I am very sorry that I have not kept everyone up to date but there has been a lot to deal with. Thank you all so much for you messages and well wishes. They have all made me smile. It has been a rough month but now we have some answers. They are not the answers we wanted and had hoped for but you deal with the hand you were dealt. I posted the end of Feb. and the beginning of March that I was haveing problems with my leg. I was sent for knee x-rays( March 2nd), an MRI of my brain (March 8th), then I changed PCP's then he did a back x-ray (March 9th) and then we started to get some results back. The knee x-ray came back and it said that I had mild arthritic changes in my knee. Great what does that mean (still don;t know to this day). And then we get a message on the answering machine from the new PCP when I get home one night. Mrs. Worth I need to have you call me tomorrow (March 12th). There are some lesions on your MRI and I am going to need to refer you to a neurologist. It could be MS, Lymes disease, Vasculitis (sp) and you need to find out. Nice of his to leave it on the answering machine huh
Soooo it was late and hubby and I stewed through the night still not really knowing what to think till I could call the next morning. So I call and basically he says the same thing. Lesions on my brain and he gave me a neurologist to go to. So I make the appt and go see him (March 15th). Now mind you in the meantime my leg has gotten progressivly worse during this time but NOW is starting to get a bit better. It was already a lot better by the time Fred had gotten back from CO. I was still limping alittle but I could almost lift my leg enough to put my pants on without falling over YAY! Never thought I would be so excited about something like that! Anywho so I go see the neurologist. I was lucky to get the head of his office and he is also the head of the neuro dept at the hospital and the head of several boards so I again was blessed with a good choice (now if I could only do that with PCP's!) He was a very nice guy. He looked everything over did an exam asked a TON of questions. Some thing at the time seemed strange for him to ask but they all have a purpose. He took my MRI's out and showed me the lesions. He was very nice in explaining eveything to me. He took his time and that was what I needed. After all that we sat down and he explained to me that he really felt what I was facing was MS. WOW not what I expected to hear. He said he still needed to do some blood work to rule out lymes disease and some other things but he really felt that was what it was. Some other things I had explained to him I had experienced he said were other flarups I just was not aware of what it was. I went for the bloodwork that day before I went to work and the following Tues I went for a VER (visual evoked response) test and that Thurs I went for an MRI of my spine. He wanted to see what was going on in the spine as well. I was told at the VER that he should call me within 3-5 days with the results of that so I had it in my mind that if I had not heard from him by Fri 12 pm I was picking up the phone. Friday morning the MRI place called and they wanted me back for another MRI this time with contrast. That is where they inject the die in you and get a better look at thing. So I scheduled that and waited for the Dr's call. @1pm he called and the results of the VER were in along with the results of the c-spine MRI. The VER came back that everything was fine YAY. However the MRI came back with a few "spots" that were of concern. Now mind you I had already kindof known this from the MRI place calling. So he talked to me a little about what the MRI showed and then he said "so at this point I have the info I need to confirm what we originally talked about" " I feel that what we are looking at is MS" WELL CRAP!! NOT NOT NOT what I wanted to hear. AT ALL!!! Soo he asked me to make an appt for the following week to discuse treatment options. So Fred and I went the following Monday and that is where we are now. I will be taking a drug called Copaxone. It is a daily injectable. I recieved my 1st months supply yesterday. I am still waiting for the nurse who is supposed to train me to come and do so. I was glad just a little that it was not antoher pill. Am tired of pills. Still not happy about the whole needle thing on a daily basis but I will learn. I am not the 1st one to go thorugh something like this and I am sure I am not the last one either. You deal with what you are dealt. RIGHT??? RIGHT!!! Fred and I have bought several bookds on it and some of them are awesome. If anyone just wants an inspirational book to read Climbing Higher by Montel Williams is a GREAT book to read!! He really has a great outlook on life! My leg is back to 80-90% and the pain is mostly just left in hte hip and shoulder. Gotta love the pain meds!! Actually I am fine with just taking them at night. I take them so I can sleep. Well that along with an ambien cr and I am a happy camper. We have no idea what the next step will be. There are a lot of unknows about MS. I could never have another attack in my life or I could have one tomorrow. They just do not know and there is no way of telling. I have good days and bad. My balance is off but I am hoping that will come back with time as well. I am sooo glad I am down the 77 that I am I can not imagine being this off balance 77 lbs ago. There is not way I could have done it. Just no way. So thank God for small blessings!
SO that is my long story. Sorry about the essay but I guess it is nice to be able to explain it all in words and kindof get it off my chest so to speak.
Thank you for reading and THANK YOU soooo much for all your mesages. I have loved the smiles.
Thank you again,,
Hugs to everyone.

OH, Melissa...I'm so sorry that you are going through this. Atleast you have an answer and have a plan of action. I know that the shots can be a pain in the a$$, but if it makes you feel better, then great. My sister has Rheumatoid Arthritis and they had her on Embrel and she got sick of doing the shots and just quit taking them. When she complains about the pain I say "Are you still taking your embrel???" When she says no, I say then either start taking it or quit complaining. It WAS working for her and working great. She just didn't like to give herself a shot twice a week because "It hurt". Not like the constant pain didn't hurt more. I'm sorry if that doesn't sound sympatheic, but if you pay a specialist to diagnose you and give you a treatment and don't take the treatment, it is your own fault.
Sorry, got of on a tangent there....I'm glad that there is a drug out there you can take to help with the flares and hope that you don't have to experience them again. It is great that you have lost 77 lbs and can get around better now than you did 5-6 mos ago. Congrats to you for that.
Please keep us updated on anything else you hear and how you are feeling. We are concerned about all of our October Sistas!!!
Take care and I wish you well.
as we have spoken about this before, you know that i am sorry for your diagnosis, but that i know that you will be strong and handle this through knowledge and faith. i was serious about getting together. i'm sure there is a midway point where we could meet... or heck, i don't mind driving at all, how far are you from cherry hill? i would love to come and spend some time getting to know you. my schedule is extremely flexible, please let me know when we can get together. anyone else that is close by should join us also.
take care of you,
I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis but at least now you know what you're dealing w/ and can go forward from here.
A positive attitude is so important when dealing w/ things new and unknown.
If there's anything any of us can do let us know.
My family and I will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Keep us posted on your prognosis.
Donna, sfy