so sad tonight
Oh judy, honey,
I'm so sorry about spike. What a horrible thing to happen. On top of that breaking your finger trying to save him, you poor baby, my heart hurts for you.
I know what it's like to lose a pet. It's heart breaking, they're not just pets they're members of the family.
I can't believe the animal control and police did nothing but give your neighbor a ticket.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you on your loss.
Please keep us up dated on what is happening w/ your finger.
Donna, sfy

Oh Judy! I'm so sorry for your loss. That is horrible! The same thing happened to my grandparents dog. They took it to court and won. The verdict was that the dogs had to be euthanized. We couldn't stand the idea of those dogs hurting another dog.
Please take care of yourself. I hope you have good news about your finger.