Just checking in....How is everyone.
It's been almost a week since I posted last. I haven't been able to say on the computer longer than just checking emails. Is anyone going to the convention in Irvine in April? My recover is a little slower than I wish because I hate staying still so much. They removed half of the staples yesterday and will remove the rest next Friday and then the following I will lose the stupid drains which are the biggest problem for me. The pain isn't too bad unless it's 4 am when it's time to get up and take my meds because I have nothing left in my system. I get by without the pain meds but need to muscle spasm pills.
I haven't eaten since surgery except for my protein shakes and the dr said that's ok as long as I get my protein shakes in. He gave me prevacid just in case i am developing an ulcer. I was finally able to eat something today after taking a pill.
I hope everyone is doing great.
i'm glad t see that you are posting again... you have been missed!
that is good news about half of the staples, but i'm sure you can't wait until the drains are out. i know what a pain they are. i had them when i had my gall bladder out 20 years ago (i was 8 months pregnant at the time, so i have a huge scar from where they cut me open and moved the baby over), and i can still remember the tugging feeling when they were in there. the removal was nothing compared to having them in there.
your pics from you tummy tuck are phenominal... i can't believe the waistline you have. you are such a skinny mini!!
feel well,
Hi Susan!!
Glad you are recovering.....but pulling out the Mommy finger
to tell you to STAY STILL!!! Girl, you've gotta be good if you wanna get better.
Take care of yourself!!!!
Okay...now that the scolding is over....congrats on the tummy tuck. I wanna see pics!!!! I bet you look FABULOUS!!!
I'm totally jealous too. I have to wear a girdle these days to have a decent looking tummy..and I don't do that very often. Those things are torture devices!
Good luck on the rest of your staples being removed and getting rid of those drains!! I hate drains....hate them, hate them, hate them. It's the ONE thing about getting the TT that makes me think, Hmmm...maybe NOT.

Send me your personal email address and I will gladly share your pictures. *
Let me tell you drains might stop me from getting another surgery in the future. I hate them so much. They are very painful especially where they are placed otherwise the pain hasn't been too bad.
I still wouldn't pass the TT up because this is the first time since I was in middle school that I didn't have some sort of pouch. I love the way I can wear my workout clothes and not half to worry about my tummy.