LOL well I have tons falling out but seem to have tons still here so I am not srue i will ever see "thin" in the hair area. But I have to admit that I sat through a whole hour of Toni Brattin on HSN and watched her different hair pieces thinking well at least there is an option lolol.
Good luck!
Rebecca, I know how you feel. I was having my hair fall out so bad that it clogged the tub drain. My hair is thick and it was pretty long. I could not stand to have it falling out like that everytime I took a shower. I actually hated getting in the shower because it was sooo depressing. One of my problems was the fact the I got it highlighted last summer and every since then it would tangle up so bad when I would wa**** I started letting it go about 2 days in between washing thinking I was washing it too much. I then decided to cut the stuff off. Best thing I ever did. It no longer tangles anymore and is not all over me when I take a shower. I work hard at getting in the protein that I need everyday and I started taking the Biotin 5000mg at day. LOL, don't know if that is too much but I know that my hair has slowed down falling out and my skin really has improved. As far as my nails...well, I am a nail biter so don't see much happening there but man does my toenails grow like wildfire now. I wish I could get my fingernails to do that if I could keep them out of my mouth. I have tried all kinds of stuff to stop biting them but nothing works for me. Does anyone have any suggestions??? I have never had pretty hands or nails. I would like to have a nice set of them both but this is what my mom and God gave me. I have hands just like dear ole mom.
Good luck!
Lisa S
I have very fine and not alot of it hair. I think I have finally stopped losing tons of my hiar. I did cut it shorter to help reduce the stress of it on my scalp. I also got some Nioxin Shampoo and conditioner. Luckily, my directors daughter is a hair stylist and she was able to get me some at a Beauty Supply store at about 1/3 the cost. I have noticed a difference since I started to use it. My hair actually feels thicker. I remember when it was the fashion to cut off all hair to get it to thicken up. I spent my younger years with the pixie hair cut as a result. I never did get thicker hair.
I am also trying to wash my hair every other day. I have washed it daily all my life. This is new to me. I do think it is helping.
Best of luck.