Deanne update!!!
Hi everyone!
I just spoke with Deanne! She is sounding really good. Her voice was strong and she was in a good mood. However, I think I mentioned some things that either she didn't know about (OOPS!!!!!) or that she wasn't ready to discuss. By the end of the conversation she sounded different from the beginning. I'm hoping she was just tired....but I'm not sure...
Anyway, this is what she told me....
Her room looks like a florists shop from all the flowers she has received (glad we decided to do something different for her). She said they are all beautiful though and I think she's enjoying looking at them all. However, she's bored out of her mind after being in the hospital for 12 days. She's gotten some puzzle books, and books to read from friends and family to have to occupy her mind while she's there, but she says that only lasts for so long and she's ready for something else to do. She's up and walking and doing the things she needs to do after surgery so that's good. She says it helps break up the day a bit too.
About her surgery she said that they did remove part of the colon, but she has no idea how much. She wasn't sure about the intestine (said if they mentioned that to her, she had forgotten) and didn't know anything about the kidney (this is when she got REALLY quiet). According to her doctor, they will start chemo in about a month or so when she is stronger. It's supposed to slow the growth of the cancer. She doesn't know if they are going to do radiation or not - said they haven't discussed it yet. It doesn't sound like the doctor is giving her much information about it all....or if he is, she's not retaining everything they have told her due to the meds....
She did say that hopefully later this week she will get to go home. She also said that she may be able to go back to work - but that Joe doesn't want her to do that. So, they will be discussing that later, depending on how she is feeling once she gets home.
I gave her all your messages of love and good thoughts. She said to tell you all "Thanks!!!"
It was great to hear her voice. But, now I feel horrible because I feel like I have brought up things she either didn't know about or wasn't ready to discuss. I hope I've not caused her further worry or upset her in any way....
again, I can't thank you enough for keeping us updated on deanne's progress. Like you said she's either not retaining what they're telling her, they haven't told her everything or the meds are making her forget.
I know when both my mother was diagnosed w/ lung cancer this past September and I was diagonsed w/ endometrial cancer in 2005 none of us remembered everything the doctors had said. It's a normal process the brain goes through. It's similar to the five stages of dying.
It's great that she May get to go home next week. That's the best place, as we all know to recover. Being close to the people we love and who love us is sometimes the best medicine. Also, sleeping in your own bed is wonderful. You can rest when you want to and not be interupted every two hours being checked on by the nurses.
Don't beat yourself up re: what you said. Unfortunetely it happens. Like anyone else you assumed either joe or the doctors had spoken w/ her about them, and they probably did but she either doesn't remember or has blocked them out.
I'm going to try and call today now that she's out of ICU.
Again, thanks for the update.
Donna, sfy

Hi Donna!
Thanks for your kind words. You made me feel better. I'm hoping you are right and she just didn't remember due to meds, blocking, whatever. If that's the case, then I don't feel like such a heel....
I'm sure she would LOVE to talk to you. She's bored today. The weekend was packed with friends and family visiting, but today she's all alone. So, a phone call from a friend would probably be very welcome.
Thank you so much for the update. I wanted to come on and check real quick before I headed out to work. I am glad she sounds upbeat. Attitude makes a HUGE difference in the fight against the ugly green eyes monster! I would not worry at all about if you told her something or not. I am sure she did know. I know from going through it with my brother that it is a LOT of information to take in and it gets lost in the pain meds. What my brother started doing was taking a notebook with him everywhere that he went so if he did not remember what one of the Dr.'s had said he had it written down and he could recall upon it. I will try and include a notebook for her in her stuff.
Just to update anyone who might read I received her stuff from Fred-Ex this morning and it is all beautiful. I will wrap it up tonight and get it off to her and her family tomorrow. She is going to love it I just know it. I will take pictures before I wrap and send everything out so you all can see what we got.
Again thank you for keeping up informed.
Have a great rest of the day and do not worry. You know Deanne would not want you to.
Thanks for the update on the gifts for Deanne and the family. I'm so glad they are there and will be on their way tomorrow. I can't wait for her to get the robe from us. I just know she's going to love it. Now I'm on pins and needles waiting to see a pic of it too.
Thanks again for taking care of that for us all. It's so nice to have someone coordinate these things. The notebook is a great idea.
I'll try to stop worrying about what I said. I'm sure you and Donna are right. And, you guys both made me feel so much better about it...

Oh, Susan...Thank you, Thank you so much, for the update on Deanne. I have been thinking of her nonstop since last week. I went out this weekend and bought some cards for her this weekend and will stick one in the mail today.
I know she will be so much more comfortable when she gets home. It is so hard being in the hospital and getting your sleep interrupted so often. You need to get home from the hospital to get rest. I'm so glad that she sounded upbeat.
I'm sure, like the others, that she has blocked out a lot of what the Dr.s are telling her. She has had a lot to digest in the last week and has been on a lot of meds and sleeping off and on and probably either forgot or is pushing it to the back of her mind. I'm sure that she was just tired by the end of the conversation. Don't worry about upsetting her. I'm sure that you did just the opposite by lifting her spirits with a phone call and words of love.
Thanks again for the update.
Hi Holly!
Today's report was much easier than the other's. Thanks for caring and realizing how difficult it has been. You're so sweet!!
I'm glad we chose something other than flowers too. What I really like about it is it will outlast the flowers and is something she can have close by to remember how much we all care.