QOTD - Monday

Susan T.
on 3/18/07 11:24 pm - Waco, TX
Good morning!! Hope everyone had a great weekend! But, it's time to start a new week....and have fun doing it!! Enjoy these!! Susan 1. Have you ever been in a car accident? When? What happened? 2. Do you like your handwriting? 3. Have you ever locked yourself out of your home? your car? When? How did you get back in? 4. Do you have your teeth cleaned every 6 months? 5. Do you go for your physical every year? 6. Are you having problems falling asleep at night? When did it start? Once you go to sleep do you stay asleep? If you wake up, do you have problems going back to sleep? 7. Which company do you use for your cellular service? 8. Are you getting a tax refund? What do you plan to do with it? If you are paying, do you wait till April 15 or do you do it immediately? 9. Did you have a bean bag chair when you were a kid? 10. Did you smoke cigarettes before WLS? Do you smoke now?
on 3/18/07 11:30 pm - Oil City, PA
1. Have you ever been in a car accident? When? What happened? Yes.....driving down the road and some guy pulled over and then pulled out quickly and side swiped me.... 2. Do you like your handwriting? Yes, unless I am in a hurry and its sloppy.... 3. Have you ever locked yourself out of your home? your car? When? How did you get back in? One summer I went to the car wash to clean out my car and I didn't take the keys out of the ignition and when I got out I hit the automatic button and shut the door...some guy was there cleaning out his truck and thank goodness I had my trunk open! He had to push my car seat down and managed to unlock the back door! 4. Do you have your teeth cleaned every 6 months? YES!!! My kids hate the dentist, but I grew up going to the dentist every 6 months!!! 5. Do you go for your physical every year? Yes, my PCP makes sure! 6. Are you having problems falling asleep at night? When did it start? Once you go to sleep do you stay asleep? If you wake up, do you have problems going back to sleep? No, unless I am worried about something. I do wake up during the night, but don't have trouble falling back to sleep. 7. Which company do you use for your cellular service? Sprint. 8. Are you getting a tax refund? What do you plan to do with it? If you are paying, do you wait till April 15 or do you do it immediately? HECK NO!! Will definitely wait until April 15.... 9. Did you have a bean bag chair when you were a kid? no, not that I remember. 10. Did you smoke cigarettes before WLS? Do you smoke now? Never smoked in my life!
Susan T.
on 3/18/07 11:53 pm - Waco, TX
1. Have you ever been in a car accident? When? What happened? I've been in 3 accidents. First one happened when it had just started raining. I was going down a steep hill that had a curve in it, hit the brakes, they locked, I froze and ended up sliding into a fence. The second accident was on my way to work at the University where I attended and as I was turning into a street, this guy was turning onto my street. He and I collided hitting the corners of our left front fenders. He was in a huge bus of a car so NO damage beyond a scratch. I was in a matchbox car and it was totalled. Also knocked my car backwards about 5 feet!!! Then HE backed up so it looked like he was waiting at the stop sign and I hit him. Hmmm...then HOW the heck did MY car end up in the middle of the intersection?????? Damn insurance salesman!! Seriously, he was! Then wreck #3 was my fault according to the police report. However, if the darned Asst DA hadn't run the red light half a block down, it wouldn't have happened. Totalled that car too and broke my collar bone. I looked, saw the light go red 1/2 a block away, knew he should STOP, so I took my foot off the brake, hadn't even TOUCHED the gas pedal yet, had barely moved....his truck caught my front fender in front of the front tires, and knocked it 3 feet off the other side, crumpled my hood, and turned me 3/4 of the way around and knocked my car up onto the sidewalk!! Then he bounced off me and into a car in the other lane that was waiting for the light to turn. My insurance got to pay for everyone. Nice, huh? OH....they ruled he was only going 20 MPH and that I was doing 25.....WTF??? I hadn't even touched the gas pedal...and how would I be doing 25 mpg only 2 feet from a dead stop?? Guess it helps to have connections.....The jerk was late for work and was taking his daughter to daycare....she was only 2 and wasn't even buckled into her car seat!!! She ended up hitting the dashboard and getting a bump on her head. Fortunately it wasn't serious...but we ended up at the same ER and was he ever mad! Not concerned for his daughter.....just sat there mumbling about how inconvenienced he was and how much work he needed to do. JERK! Can you tell I have horrible feelings about that one still? I was 20 when it happened! 2. Do you like your handwriting? Not really. 3. Have you ever locked yourself out of your home? your car? When? How did you get back in? Both. Had to have the base police get me back into my car, SOOOOO embarrassing. Then, once the kids locked me out of the van and they were too little to know how to unlock it. Hubby had to come with the spare key. Kids also locked me out of the house once with the keyless deadbolt and again they were too little to then unlock it. I had to run to the office and report it and they had the maintenance guy come break a window and get me back inside to the boys. Other times when I've been locked out, there's always been a window open that we could go thru. 4. Do you have your teeth cleaned every 6 months? No...I hate the dentist. REALLY need to go in for a cleaning though....Won't even admit the last time I had them cleaned. 5. Do you go for your physical every year? Again, no. I really need to schedule this too.... 6. Are you having problems falling asleep at night? When did it start? Once you go to sleep do you stay asleep? If you wake up, do you have problems going back to sleep? Yup. Started about 3 weeks ago. I just can't go to sleep at night. Once I do though, I'm able to sleep really well...and if I wake up to go potty, I'm able to fall asleep again fairly easily....as long as I have music going. If it's quiet, I lay there for hours again... 7. Which company do you use for your cellular service? Cingular, the New AT&T 8. Are you getting a tax refund? What do you plan to do with it? If you are paying, do you wait till April 15 or do you do it immediately? Getting a refund, thank goodness. Wi**** would post to my account today! Had to mail it in, so don't know when I'll get it. We plan to use part of it on home repairs/upgrades, part will go into savings. 9. Did you have a bean bag chair when you were a kid? No, but I always wanted one. 10. Did you smoke cigarettes before WLS? Do you smoke now? NO and NO and never plan to start.
Patricia S.
on 3/19/07 12:30 am - Glen Mills, PA
1. Have you ever been in a car accident? When? What happened? I've been in several. The most recent has the funniest story however. About 4 years ago I was stopped at a redlight waiting to make a "right turn on red". There was a car coming (with the right-of-way) so I decided not to turn out in front of them. Well "the person" behind me thought I had gone and put the pedal to the metal and BAM right into my rear end. Totally his fault. What makes it so funny? The guy who hit me...was a cop in a cop car! Boy was he embarrased. (all my other accidents where from my younger years and where all my fault). 2. Do you like your handwriting? It's ok. Typing has made me lazy though. 3. Have you ever locked yourself out of your home? your car? When? How did you get back in? When I was younger I locked myself out of the house all the time. I would carefully remove a panel in the garage door, crawl through and get in that way. My dad boarded up the loose panel eventually and it forced me ot remember my key. I locked myself out of my car once - I called AAA. 4. Do you have your teeth cleaned every 6 months? Sadly I let it lapse. For several years. Thus the need for my most recent dental work. I have a renewed commitment to dental health now. I was lucky - only one tooth had problems! 5. Do you go for your physical every year? Yes 6. Are you having problems falling asleep at night? When did it start? Once you go to sleep do you stay asleep? If you wake up, do you have problems going back to sleep? I have no problems with sleeping at all. I fall asleep, just like someone turns off my switch. I turn off the light, lay down, and I don't remember a thing until morning. 7. Which company do you use for your cellular service? Sprint 8. Are you getting a tax refund? What do you plan to do with it? If you are paying, do you wait till April 15 or do you do it immediately? I haven't figured it out yet - I do the EZ form (don't make enough money to make itemizing worth it)...I file by phone - usually around the 15th of April - I may do it earlier this year. 9. Did you have a bean bag chair when you were a kid? No, but I had one in college. 10. Did you smoke cigarettes before WLS? Do you smoke now? I smoked when I was 19/20 for about 3 months.
Angela Woods
on 3/19/07 1:33 am - SHELBYVILLE, KY
Thought I would try this today... 1. Have you ever been in a car accident? Several When? two serious wrecks What happened? One: Girl pulled out in front of me and totaled my car. Second: Guy ran a stop sign and knocked me 150 feet. Everyone came out find and with no harm. 2. Do you like your handwriting? Sometime 3. Have you ever locked yourself out of your home? Yes your car? of course When? been several years ago How did you get back in? House: crawled in window,LOL Truck: called locksmith 4. Do you have your teeth cleaned every 6 months? yes 5. Do you go for your physical every year? no 6. Are you having problems falling asleep at night? at times When did it start? going on for as long as I can remember Once you go to sleep do you stay asleep? Most of the time If you wake up, do you have problems going back to sleep? sometimes 7. Which company do you use for your cellular service? Nextel 8. Are you getting a tax refund? nope What do you plan to do with it? If you are paying, do you wait till April 15 or do you do it immediately? 9. Did you have a bean bag chair when you were a kid? yep...red 10. Did you smoke cigarettes before WLS? Nope Do you smoke now? Never good ? Hugs,
on 3/19/07 2:31 am - CAROLINA SHORES, NC
1. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes. When? 1988? What happened? Was driving home from upstate n.Y. During a snow storm, just left the toll booth, got into third gear and hit a patch of ice, did a three sixty, got hit by a toyota, spun around again and got hit again by the same toyota. Didn't get hurt though. 2. Do you like your handwriting? No, it's worse than some of the doctors I work with. 3. Have you ever locked yourself out of your house? Yes. Your car? Yes how did you get back in? House, climbed in thru the basement window; car, called my cousin who's a cop and he came w/ a slim jim 4. Do you have your teeth cleaned every 6 months? Try to but doesn't always work out that way. 6. Are you having problems sleeping at night? No. When did it start? Hasn't. Do you stay asleep? Heck no, w/ all the fluids we have to drink I get up to pee at least twice a night. Do have problems going back to sleep? No 7. Cell phone comapny? Altell 8. Getting a tax refund? Yes. Plans for it? It's paying for a cruise to alsaka in sept. 9. Bean bag chair? No never had one 10. Smoked cigarettes before WLS? No smoke now? No donna, sfy
Michelle B.
on 3/19/07 6:16 am - Pennsauken, NJ
1. Have you ever been in a car accident? When? What happened? Yes, too many to count; knock on wood, not an accident in the past 3 years 2. Do you like your handwriting? Yes 3. Have you ever locked yourself out of your home? your car? When? How did you get back in? Locked out of car; happened at work, and our neighbors are repo guys, so they had a jimmy to break in! 4. Do you have your teeth cleaned every 6 months? No - I hate the dentist, but have to see one in 2 weeks due to a toothache that is haunting me! 5. Do you go for your physical every year? yes 6. Are you having problems falling asleep at night? When did it start? Once you go to sleep do you stay asleep? If you wake up, do you have problems going back to sleep? No problems falling asleep, but once I wake up, I usually am up for a few hours 7. Which company do you use for your cellular service? Nextel (company phone!) 8. Are you getting a tax refund? What do you plan to do with it? If you are paying, do you wait till April 15 or do you do it immediately? Already got my refund and working on spending it! 9. Did you have a bean bag chair when you were a kid? Ofcourse! 10. Did you smoke cigarettes before WLS? Do you smoke now? No
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