QOTD - Wednesday

Susan T.
on 3/14/07 1:55 am - Waco, TX
Hi everyone!! Sorry I'm so late getting this out. I overslept big time this morning, then I got busy reading the posts and forgot to post this!!! Must still be half asleep. We had another massive thunderstorm come thru our area last night and the dogs were going ballistic. There was even the possibility of tornados in it - which is unusual for the coastal area we live in. It was quite a storm! Okay...on to the questions and fun! 1. What was one of your favorite cartoons to watch when you were a kid? 2. Do you still like to watch cartoons? 3. What is your favorite section of the newspaper? 4. What is your goal weight? Did you pick it or did the doctor? 5. When was the last time you went to the zoo? 6. What is your favorite animal at the zoo? 7. Are you still loosing your hair? Has the loss slowed or is it still coming out like crazy? 8. What was your favorite field trip when you were in grade school? Where did you go? What made it so memorable? 9. Do you still keep in touch with friends you grew up with? Why/why not? 10. How much jewelry do you wear on a daily basis? Okay...that's all I could come up with this morning. I forgot to make my list last night, so I had to compose at the keyboard this AM.... Actually went better than usual. Maybe I'm just getting the hang of this....or these are really lame questions... Either way....HAVE FUN!! Susan
Susan T.
on 3/14/07 2:12 am - Waco, TX
1. What was one of your favorite cartoons to watch when you were a kid? Oh wow...I loved to watch cartoons when I was little. Some of my favorites were Tom and Jerry, Roadrunner, Bugs Bunny, Pepe le Pew (sp???), Chip and Dale.....the list goes on. I think those were way funnier and more imaginative than what kids watch today. 2. Do you still like to watch cartoons? I watch them with my kids....but I have to admit, I just don't really enjoy them like the ones I watched growing up. 3. What is your favorite section of the newspaper? Hee hee....the comics!!! Seriously. I read those first, then the style section, then homes, then the local pages, then the front page....OH...and I clip the coupons from the Sunday paper right after I do the comics. It's my routine. 4. What is your goal weight? Did you pick it or did the doctor? I'm still wavering on this. It will be between 124-134. Depends on when I get there. The doctor said I could pick my own - where ever I felt best. So, I'm going to do just that. Find the weight where I feel good and my body stays at without too much work on my part. Then I will just maintain that for the rest of my life!!! 5. When was the last time you went to the zoo? Last fall before surgery. We had a BLAST!!! 6. What is your favorite animal at the zoo? The San Antonio zoo has an animal called the Okapi - it's a mixture of several different animals. Very strange looking. Unfortunately, it was too far away and in the shade so we didn't get any good pictures of it. We tried though!! 7. Are you still loosing your hair? Has the loss slowed or is it still coming out like crazy? I'm still loosing like crazy. I thought last week that it had slowed...and then it picked back up again. Hmmmmm....wonder why that was?? Maybe I just didn't notice how much was in my brush.... 8. What was your favorite field trip when you were in grade school? Where did you go? What made it so memorable? Oh wow...this is an easy one for me!! When I was in second grade we went to see a stage production of the Wind in the Willows at our state capital. It was FABULOUS and was the first time I'd gone to a professionally staged play. Then, eating our sack lunches at this fantastic park on the way there....and the special surprise snack we had on the way back....WAY too much fun! We had a blast that day. The only thing I didn't like was my Mom didn't get to go along with us because she had to stay home to be there for my brother after school. I really missed her that day. 9. Do you still keep in touch with friends you grew up with? Why/why not? No. We all drifted apart after high school. I only had two really good friends from high school that went to the same college I did...and they both quit before 2 years were out. We didn't stay in touch much after that. One got pregnant, married and started a completely different life and felt we didn't have anything in common anymore and basically didn't ever return my calls, come by to see me, or anything anymore. The other moved to Alaska and thought she was better than everyone else and didn't keep in touch anymore either. However, she and I had a falling out before she left and I didn't care that she left anyway!!! lol Still keep in sporadic touch with some of my friends from college, but we've spread out across the US so much that it's hard to stay close. Especially as they are NOT addicted to the computer like I am. 10. How much jewelry do you wear on a daily basis? I wear earrings, my wedding ring and 2 necklaces every day. When I go out, I usually add my watch (now that I found it!!!), my charm bracelets (if they go with the outfit) and sometimes another necklace - or different ear rings. I love jewelry...can you tell?
Melissa W.
on 3/14/07 2:50 am - Hackettstown, NJ
1. What was one of your favorite cartoons to watch when you were a kid? Smurfs and Gummy Bears and Bugs and Tweety 2. Do you still like to watch cartoons? Sure..sometimes 3. What is your favorite section of the newspaper? The adds on Sunday! 4. What is your goal weight? Did you pick it or did the doctor? 160...I picked it he never picked one so I did 5. When was the last time you went to the zoo? WOW Summer 2005 .. boy I am behind I used to go on a weekly basis with a family I nannied for in CO 6. What is your favorite animal at the zoo? Gorillas / Giraffes...it is a toss up 7. Are you still loosing your hair? Has the loss slowed or is it still coming out like crazy? Yup...it is hard to tell what from though...hypothyroid adds to it so it is always falling out but it is def coming out more now than it ever has before 8. What was your favorite field trip when you were in grade school? Where did you go? What made it so memorable? Pumpkin Farm...we got to go every year...Mom always went with us! 9. Do you still keep in touch with friends you grew up with? Why/why not? YUP there are some I do and some that I do not. No real reason..some from high-school I can safely say that I do not EVER want to keep in touch with. 10. How much jewelry do you wear on a daily basis? 3 rings..engagement, wedding and one on thumb..ok and then the one on my toe Usually wear earrings as well and a watch is a must if that counts. These were great! Melissa
Melissa W.
on 3/14/07 3:13 am - Hackettstown, NJ
I totally forgot..I ALWAYS wear a necklace too. It is a gold cross I receieved at my confirmation when I was young and I NEVER take it off. Only twice..once for wedding and once for surgery. I am so used to it I forgot I wear it! Melissa
on 3/14/07 4:08 am - Oil City, PA
1. What was one of your favorite cartoons to watch when you were a kid? It was so long ago! We used to love to watch Batman and Robin -- it was always on at 5:00 -- just in time for dinner and my mom always made us turn the tv off during dinner!!! 2. Do you still like to watch cartoons? Depends...some of the cartoons on these days are plain stupid! 3. What is your favorite section of the newspaper? Editorial page 4. What is your goal weight? Did you pick it or did the doctor? 135 -- I picked it...my doctor is encouraging, though. 5. When was the last time you went to the zoo? Last Memorial Day. We took our granddaughter, Raven, there for her first birthday! She wasn't too impressed, but we sure were! 6. What is your favorite animal at the zoo? The monkeys!!!! 7. Are you still loosing your hair? Has the loss slowed or is it still coming out like crazy? I didn't even realize I was losing my hair until my hair dresser said she could tell I had lost some because its coming back in curly! 8. What was your favorite field trip when you were in grade school? Where did you go? What made it so memorable? In 5th grade. We went to Niagara Falls....I think it was because it was the first time I was so far away from home without my parents! 9. Do you still keep in touch with friends you grew up with? Why/why not? Some, but most of us have gone different directions since we have grown up... 10. How much jewelry do you wear on a daily basis? I wear my diamond earrings that my mom bought me for Christmas and my watch...that's about it!
on 3/14/07 6:24 am - CAROLINA SHORES, NC
1. What was one of your favorite cartoons to watch when you were a kid? Rocky and bulwinkle 2. Do you still like watch cartoons? Every once in awhile I'll watch rollie pollie ollie (sp) 3. What is your favorite section of the newpaper? I love to read the letters to the editor, some of them are outragous 4. What is you goal wt? Did you or your Dr. Pick it? I'm leaning towards 150, that seems realistic to me. I picked it, my surgeon never even mentioned a goal wt. 5. When was the last time you went to the zoo? A couple of years ago altohugh I did go to sea world last feb. Does that count? 6. What is your favorite animal at the zoo? I love the monkey's they're so expressive and energetic. 7. Are you still losing your hair? Has it slowed down or still coming out like crazy/ my hair is still coming out like a snow storm, and the hair is short and thin. 8. What was your favorite feild trip when you were in grade school? Were did you go and what made it memorable? Every year we'd go to the bronx zoo, the idea of getting out of school, having my parents w/ me and seeing all the animals was always a thrill 9. Do you still keep up w/ friends you grew up with? Yes w/ a few, these are people I consider family, we grew up together, got in trouble together and in on instance lost our virginity on the same day. To much info. 10. How much jewelry do you wear on a daily basis? I wear 3 necklaces, 2 pair of earings, 2 rings, 1 watch and 2 braclets. Susan, thanks for continuing to do the qotd. They're great, and interesting to read everyones answers. Donna, sfy
Gay Z.
on 3/14/07 8:53 am - Plum, PA
Come on Susan, you are really asking this old lady to dig deep now. After a day at work I am fried on top of that, but I will give it a shot....... 1. What was one of your favorite cartoons to watch when you were a kid? Wow. I remember watching Paul Shannon and I think there were cartoons then but I remember the Smurfs with my kids and loved them. 2. Do you still like to watch cartoons? Nope, can't stand them anymore. 3. What is your favorite section of the newspaper? I love the sales flyers, comics and then the TAV guide. Can't you tell how shallow I am........ 4. What is your goal weight? Did you pick it or did the doctor? The doctor never picked one, I will have to ask him next month. But I would like to hit at least 139 to 130 if I could. 5. When was the last time you went to the zoo? A couple of years ago and I remember how tough it was to walk it all. 6. What is your favorite animal at the zoo? Loved the monkeys and then the polar bears. 7. Are you still loosing your hair? Has the loss slowed or is it still coming out like crazy? I am still loosing it but it is not real bad, not clumps like others say, just strands here and there after I wa**** but my daughter did say I was thinning when she cut my hair this weekend. Wonder if it will come back curly. 8. What was your favorite field trip when you were in grade school? Where did you go? What made it so memorable? Sorry don't remember them at all. Remember more about the kids than my childhood anymore. 9. Do you still keep in touch with friends you grew up with? Why/why not? I email a couple of them still and another one of them is a priest my daughter and her hubby go to. 10. How much jewelry do you wear on a daily basis? Naked when I am at home but when I go out there is always a watch on and now that I am working I do earrings and a necklace. I want to get more though with time.
on 3/14/07 11:07 am - Philadelphia, PA
1. What was one of your favorite cartoons to watch when you were a kid? Rocky & Bullwinkle...still love it, but can't find it these days. 2. Do you still like to watch cartoons? I watch The Simpsons sometimes. 3. What is your favorite section of the newspaper? Opinion/Letters to the Editor. 4. What is your goal weight? Did you pick it or did the doctor? 140. My pick. 5. When was the last time you went to the zoo? A couple years back. I've been thinking of going next week. 6. What is your favorite animal at the zoo? The bears! 7. Are you still loosing your hair? Has the loss slowed or is it still coming out like crazy? Coming out in handfuls. I'm disgusted and getting nervous. 8. What was your favorite field trip when you were in grade school? Where did you go? What made it so memorable? Hate them all...hated everything about grade school. 9. Do you still keep in touch with friends you grew up with? Why/why not? No. We just went our separate ways, I guess. I don't think we'd have anything in common these days. 10. How much jewelry do you wear on a daily basis? Usually a necklace, now that I have a neck again. An ankle...what are these called, that go around the ankle? Anklets? Less often, a bracelet. If I can find one that fits on any given day, a ring.
Patricia S.
on 3/14/07 10:18 pm - Glen Mills, PA
1. What was one of your favorite cartoons to watch when you were a kid? Mighty Mouse 2. Do you still like to watch cartoons? I was into the Powder Puff Girls a few years ago, but not so much now. 3. What is your favorite section of the newspaper? The front page 4. What is your goal weight? Did you pick it or did the doctor? 160 - still high, but I number I don't ever remember seeing and 2lbs less than "the boy". I picked it. I am 100% positive I will easily hit that, so after that goal, I'll go as far as I can within reason. 5. When was the last time you went to the zoo? Last spring 6. What is your favorite animal at the zoo? gorillas 7. Are you still loosing your hair? Has the loss slowed or is it still coming out like crazy? Yes, well actually it just started about 2 weeks ago - handfuls. I started on Biotin this weekend and have upped my protein significantly, it seemed a little less this morning - we'll see. 8. What was your favorite field trip when you were in grade school? Where did you go? What made it so memorable? The Amish Farm. We went a few times, I loved learning how this sub-culture lives. It still fascinates me today. 9. Do you still keep in touch with friends you grew up with? Why/why not? A couple of them through myspace and a few more by e-mail. My main "gang" and I are not close any more but I don't know why. 10. How much jewelry do you wear on a daily basis? Not much. One necklace (always the same) - it's a Tiffany's necklace that The Boy gave me for Christmas this year. One watch, and one engagment ring
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