Susie Homemaker - Tuesday
Today is clean the kitchen day at my house - plus the usual chores.
I'm just not in a list making mood right now.
Is everyone else in shock?? I know I am! I ALWAYS have a list!
I decided to go in the kitchen and just do what needs to be done and be done with it!
Hope you all have a great day!!

Susan, I don't even know how you get anything done with the boys home from school. Take time and enjoy them, the house work will always be there later. You will probably get more done in the kitchen when they aren't home anyway. For me today , well it is almost noon and I have done squat already. I do have to run the sweeper and then do up some wash. Some phone calls are in order too, but other than that, not much. Leftovers for dinner and once Joe gets home we will go and get the new truck. Tried to get it last night but it did not pass emissions testing so they needed to keep it. We best get it today. Thank heavens I did not have to work today and worry about transportation. It will be nice now to have the Blazer to myself and not have to worrry about sharing it with him and having it when I need to run errands. So have a good day........Love.....Gay