I did post about it when I got home from seeing him on the 8th, but it certainly bears ya go:
"For the most part, I am (doing things right). Of all things, he recommends a few more calories! In the form of carbs! Apparently, I am not taking in enough carbs before exercising and I am making protein do the work of carbs. He said that many times, he's seen people add a few more calories and that was enough to break the stall., people, eat!!
He also reminded me of the importance of exercise, especially now. The WLS "honeymoon period" is over. Whatever we want to lose now, we will have to work even harder for. Cold reality!"
Congrats Donna!
upping my carb intake really did wonders for my weight loss as well.
i used to feel awful awful after gym.
i have always been protein crazy and felt that carbs was the horrible evil thing.
since i have been eating my wholewheat biscuits before gym and a peach afterwards, i feel great!