Sorry I've been MIA today
Hey everyone!!
Sorry I didn't manage to get the QOTD and Susie Homemaker posts going today. I TRIED. I really really tried.... But, my computer just would NOT work. It took my 14 year old son coming home and tinkering for 5 minutes to figure it out. He THOUGHT the modem needed to be reset....but in the process, he noticed the cable wasn't connected quite tight enough. Tightened it up and voila! we can access the internet again! I love that child. And, I'm really thankful I didn't call my handy dandy computer repair man to come out! WHEW!!
Since it's kind of late in the day, I'm just going to skip the posts and will pick back up with them on Monday as usual. Hope everyone has a FABULOUS weekend!!
Heee hee heee....
Didn't you hear that agonized scream this morning??? It should've been loud enough for EVERYONE to hear!! It was followed by EMT sirens as they came to resusitate me due to computer malfunctions. My whole entire day has been off - just because I couldn't get on the computer and do my routine!! Strange but true. I was even getting ready to text you a happy birthday message. And, then my darling son "fixed" the computer for me. Have I mentioned how much I love him??? lol
ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am the computer fix it guru in my house lol. Although Joshua is giving me a run for my money. Dale is lucky if he can figure out how to turn it on in the mornings lol. They ask him things all the time and I get these emails or phone calls on what he should tell so n so on how to fix their problems lmaoooo
Glad your back. Next time dial 911 ( aka me! LOL ) if nothing else I will send over my very special computer smacking stick!
Felicia =0)
I missed you today Susan. I was off work and was looking forward to board activity all day and everyone has been busy it seems. Having dial up connection a lot of times my server goes down and I feel so lost without the internet connection. I hear you with feeling lost for the day without the computer time. Then again on those days I seem to get so much more done around here. Felicia, you are so lucky to be the geru of the family and being able to figure things out with the computer. I have my BIL to help me for without him I would be lost. Kids now a days are so unreal with the computers. I was not introduced to one until I was much older and now kids are savvy with them so early, good for them. Well, have a nice evening . Lots of love....Gay
I just got home, got on the computer and immediately looked for your qotd. I was so broken hearted, no questions. I'm now going through qt's ( question tremors). I get these when I don't get my fix.
Give your son a raise on his allowance, if he does'nt have one give him one. I don't know what we'd do w/o you and felicia.
Thanks, donna, sfy