having a rough time...
hello october friends. i just want you all to know how much i have missed you guys. i have been in a "funk" lately, and i just don't want to do anything. i would spend my days sleeping, and m nights feeling sorry for myself and wondering why i couldn't sleep. i would try so hard not to sleep during the day, but i think i am so down, that that is all that i want to do. i have been suffering with headaches, and my arthritus is worse in my knees, so i just dont feel like moving. i keep saying that i am going to make an appt. with a therapist, but i don't even feel like doing that.
then, last thursday night i got the worst toothache that i had ever had. i am a dental hygienist, and have always kept up with my teeth, although as a child i had a lot of fillings and root canals. well, i knew that this toothache was in a tooth that had had root canal when i was a teenager, and then was retreated in my twentys, and then again in my thirtys, so i got on the phone with the endodontist first thing friday morning and made an appt. to go in right away. bad news, the tooth couldn't be treated again, and would have to be surgically extracted. that was a blow to me, because i always preached how important it is to keep all of your teeth. well, i couldn't do anything about it, so we decided that i would have it out, and have an implant put in. because of the infection in the tooth and bone, it was nearly impossibe to get the area numb. he must have injected me over 20 times. well, i was as numb as i was going to get, so i just said "do it". ouch... it hurt of course, but the actual extraction was nothing compared to the pain after the anesthesia wore off.
he put me on clindomycin (antibiotic), and percocets. when they called sat morning, and i told them about the pain, they said to take the percs every 2-3 hours. i suffered all weekend long, and saw the periodontist again on monday. still in severe pain, he upped my antibiltics, and doubled my percocets. i have been in bed since. the pain awakens me evey couple of hours. today is the first day that i have felt any releif. i tried just taking tylenol, but forget that idea yet, i went back to the percocets.
so girls, that explains my absence if anyone has missed me. i read back a lot of the posts and thanks to all that remembered my birthday on the board and with cards. i know that felicia's birthday is coming up, and that i missed someones (can't think of who iwas the 27th right now). i have your cards here, they just may be a little late... the birthday cards, not my march cards... they will be out sometime next week. thank you all for the lovely cards. it is so nice when my hubby or my son bring me up the mail.
everyone is doing so well with the weight loss... i am proud of you all. i think i am in starvation mode, because all that i can eat is soup and protein vials. i am not getting any exercise at all. the most i do is walk to the bathroom. i hope to be up by the weekend, and i am definitely calling a therapist next week. i can't stand being this down, when i have no reason to be.
thanks for reading, and i miss you all,
I am so sorry you are having a rough time. I hope that things get better for you soon!
I am with you on the pain thing. Nothing hurts worse than moth pain. It soudns like the worst is over and you are on the mend. That is great. Get some therapy for the knees and I hope that gets better as well. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Chin up. We all love you here and we are hear for you! Remember that!
So sorry to hear you are in sooo much pain I feel for ya dear!!!! Toothaches to me are the worse kind of pains there is. I am glad you are able to take the percocets. They make me sicker than I already am. They gave them to me after I had my surgery when I came home and I took maybe 2 of them and decided I would rather deal with the pain that I had. I couldn't handle the God awful pains that it put in my poor stomach.OMG...it was not good!
Hope you are feeling better soon...we miss ya!
Lisa S.
Hi Patricia,
Im so sorry for what your going thru for a few days i felt the same way , but now i have to just get up and do my work my boss came back from vacationes and called me she was so upset i didnt do everything i had to , but you now we are just humans , this woman wants me to work like a machine , take care and lots of love Maria
*Big hugs to you!!!*
I hope you are feeling better soon. What you went thru with your tooth sounds so very painful. I'm a big wimp when it comes to my mouth and pain. I feel for you so much!! Take care of yourself...and make sure you follow up with the doctor to make sure the infection has been resolved (like you don't know that already, lol).
I'm so sorry you've been feeling down. I wish there was something I could say or a magic wand I could wave to make you feel better. Please call the therapist and go in. You are such a sweet lady. I hate to see you going thru this. Take care of yourself and remember your friends here love you!
I swear wel nned to vote February off the calendar. So many of us have had this bout of depression recently. I myself am feeling better as my medication level is increasing. I think I remember actually laughing yesterday which means I must have smiled as well.
No matter how hard we try, our bodies will do what our bodies will do. I alaso am invested in keeping my teeth. I had to have one molar pulled a few years back after I had cracked it in 4 places. Stress is a silent zapper. I remember thinking how awful I would look with a gap in my mouth. To date, I haven't been able to afford a replacement.
When your mouth (or in my case feet ) hurt, nothing seems to be right.
Take care of your health- physical and emotional.
Hi Patricia.
Wow! your post brought back horrible childhood teeth problems memories!
i am so glad it is in the past for me
Lets look for the positive in this post of yours:
When i feel all mopey and no energy i go for a B12 vit shot.
Good Luck!