QOTD - Wednesday

Susan T.
on 3/6/07 9:50 pm - Waco, TX
Good morning everyone!!! Here are the "rules" for today's QOTD. You must use the FIRST letter of your name to fill in each of the following: My name is: 1. Name of a famous singer: 2. Name of a famous actor: 3. Book title: 4. Vegetable: 5. Something you buy in a souvenir shop: 6. Something you give as a gift: 7. Sports Team: 8. Fun Activity: 9. Movie Title: 10. Piece of furniture or houseware: 11. Food you like to eat: 12. Place to vacation: 13. Girls name (other than yours): 14. Boys name (other than yours): 15. A drink: 16. Something you can sell: 17. Something you shout: 18. A store: 19. A vehicle: 20. Something you like to do: Hope you enjoy!!! Susan
Susan T.
on 3/6/07 9:54 pm - Waco, TX
My name is: SUSAN 1. Name of a famous singer: SHANIA TWAIN 2. Name of a famous actor: SUSAN SARANDON 3. Book title: SENSE AND SENSIBILITY 4. Vegetable: SQUASH 5. Something you buy in a souvenir shop: SHIRT 6. Something you give as a gift: SCENTED CANDLE 7. Sports Team: SPURS 8. Fun Activity: SAILING 9. Movie Title: SINGING IN THE RAIN 10. Piece of furniture or houseware: SOFA 11. Food you like to eat: SPAGHETTI 12. Place to vacation: SPAIN 13. Girls name (other than yours): SHARON 14. Boys name (other than yours): STEVEN 15. A drink: SODA 16. Something you can sell: SHOES 17. Something you shout: SUGAR (we keep it G-rated when the kids are around, lol) 18. A store: SEARS 19. A vehicle: SEQUOIA (Spelling??) 20. Something you like to do: SEW
(deactivated member)
on 3/6/07 10:25 pm - MT
1. Name of a famous singer: "F"rank Sanatra 2. Name of a famous actor: Harrison "F"ord 3. Book title: "F"amily And "Friends" Activity Book (whew thank goodness for J ) lol 4. Vegetable: "F"ennel 5. Something you buy in a souvenir shop: "F"loss ( hey they have it I have done it ) 6. Something you give as a gift: "F"lowers 7. Sports Team: "F"ootball ? 8. Fun Activity: Playing "F"risby 9. Movie Title: "F"orrest Gump 10. Piece of furniture or houseware: ceiling "F"an 11. Food you like to eat: "F"oot Long Hot Dogs 12. Place to vacation: "F"lorance Italy 13. Girls name (other than yours):"F"ae 14. Boys name (other than yours):"F"rank 15. A drink: "F" ancy Panties - Champagne, pink Lemonade, Vodka 16. Something you can sell: "F"unny Graphics 17. Something you shout:"F"ar Out! (ok not what I was going to put here but keeping it G) 18. A store: "F"armers Market (well some is in a building does that count) 19. A vehicle:"F"ord (YUCK) 20. Something you like to do: Have "F"un!! THIS WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *huggles* Felicia =0)
(deactivated member)
on 3/6/07 10:32 pm - MT
Ok I thought of something for this one : 7. Sports Team: Team "F"orce!! Ok can you tell I dont do sports? LOL *huggles* Felicia =0)
Susan T.
on 3/6/07 10:49 pm - Waco, TX
LOL...Hey, I accepted "F"ootball!!! Thought it was creative! Susan
Patricia S.
on 3/6/07 11:56 pm - Glen Mills, PA
There's always the Philadelphia "F"lyers hockey team. (not a fan of the hockey - but I at least know the names of the local teams...it's keeps the boy happy).
on 3/6/07 10:47 pm - Oil City, PA
I couldn't answer ALL of them! Must be a brain freeze! My name is: Holly 1. Name of a famous singer: ???? 2. Name of a famous actor: Hugh Grant 3. Book title: ???? 4. Vegetable: ???? 5. Something you buy in a souvenir shop: ??? 6. Something you give as a gift: Hat 7. Sports Team: Houston Oilers 8. Fun Activity: ******(what's that?! LOL....) 9. Movie Title: Hog Wild....a new movie that sounds wonderful and funny! 10. Piece of furniture or houseware: Hot Tub 11. Food you like to eat: Hot dogs 12. Place to vacation: Hawaii 13. Girls name (other than yours): Helen 14. Boys name (other than yours): Hudson 15. A drink: Hot Chocolate 16. Something you can sell: Hot dogs 17. Something you shout: Hell No! 18. A store: Hechts 19. A vehicle: 20. Something you like to do: Have fun
Patricia S.
on 3/6/07 11:16 pm - Glen Mills, PA
Oooo this one is hard! My name is: Patti 1. Name of a famous singer: Peter Gabriel 2. Name of a famous actor: Penelope Cruz 3. Book title: Phillipians (in the Bible) 4. Vegetable: Peas 5. Something you buy in a souvenir shop: Pen w/snow globe top 6. Something you give as a gift: Pretty jewelry (ok, something I would receive as a gift) 7. Sports Team: Pittsburg Penguins 8. Fun Activity: picnicing in the park 9. Movie Title:Pennys Seranade 10. Piece of furniture or houseware: pot 11. Food you like to eat: peanuts 12. Place to vacation: Portage, Alaska 13. Girls name (other than yours): Penny 14. Boys name (other than yours): Peter 15. A drink: Pepsi (bad!) 16. Something you can sell: pretty much anything 17. Something you shout: POP! (if I haven't seen him in awhile) 18. A store: Penny's (as in JC) 19. A vehicle: Porche 20. Something you like to do: play piano
Melissa W.
on 3/6/07 11:23 pm - Hackettstown, NJ
1. Name of a famous singer: Michael W. Smith 2. Name of a famous actor: Mariska Hargitay 3. Book title: Morning, noon, and night : Sidney Sheldon 4. Vegetable: Mustard Greens (ok had to look that one up ) 5. Something you buy in a souvenir shop: Moon Rocks 6. Something you give as a gift: Money 7. Sports Team: Miami Dolphins 8. Fun Activity: Mountain Biking 9. Movie Title: Monsters Inc. 10. Piece of furniture or houseware: Mirror 11. Food you like to eat: Meat of any kind 12. Place to vacation: Miami 13. Girls name (other than yours): Martha 14. Boys name (other than yours): Michael 15. A drink: Margarita! 16. Something you can sell: Movies on ebay! 17. Something you shout: MOVE!!!!! 18. A store: Macy's 19. A vehicle: Mercedes of course 20. Something you like to do: Mountain Bike...ok so only in hubbys dreams!!! So for me it would have to be "memory" books (scrapbooking)
Gay Z.
on 3/7/07 7:55 am - Plum, PA
Oh here we go....... With all G's 1. Name of a famous singer: George Strait 2. Name of a famous actor: Gretta Garbo (do I get 2 points for 2 G's?) 3. Book title: Great Gatsby 4. Vegetable: Gourd 5. Something you buy in a souvenir shop: Gum 6. Something you give as a gift: Gloves 7. Sports Team: Gators? Is that a professional team? Was my highschool one 8. Fun Activity: Golfing 9. Movie Title: Gone With the Wind 10. Piece of furniture or houseware: Grater 11. Food you like to eat: Grapes 12. Place to vacation: Georgian Bay, Canada 13. Girls name (other than yours): Grace 14. Boys name (other than yours): George 15. A drink: Gatorade 16. Something you can sell: Gems 17. Something you shout: Get out of here !!!!!!!!! 18. A store:Gabriel Brothers 19. A vehicle: Geo Metro 20. Something you like to do: Golf, minature that is
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