An AWE Mommy Moment...
OK so in one of our lessons today I cut out words on cards and hooked tape to them so that Joshua had to go around the house finding things they described and stick them to it. There was Big, Tall, Smooth, Pretty, Bumpy, Hot, Cold.. etc you get the idea... Ok so he is going through the house putting these little card things on stuff and he gets to the big. I JUST KNEW ( in my mind anyways ) that he was going to stick that on me. (talk about issues) But of course he didn't and off we went to finish the words... The AWE Mommy Moment comes at the end of this little lesson was the last word.. pretty... And YUP you guessed it he stuck it on ....
ME! Ok so I cried and he thought I lost my mind but hey we have to take those pats where we can get them right!!
Ok that was my Mommy moment for the day LOLOL.
That is a great Mommy Moment!!! You must have been over the moon. My son kind of did the same thing to me today. I was changing my clothes and he said "Mommy, you're pretty." How sweet. If they had ANY idea of how they make us feel. Gotta love having kids around.
Thanks for sharing your mommy moment. Made me smile...BIG TIME!!!