Susie Homemaker - Monday
Here's today's list...
Regular stuff:
1. Make beds DONE
2. Laundry DONE
3. Dishes DONE
4. Sweep kitchen. DONE
Living room:
1. Clean monitor, pictures, glass doors, tv screen. DONE
2. Clean spots off sofa (shouldn't be too many!!) DONE
3. Wash afghans - DIDN"T NEED TO BE DONE!!!
4. Spot clean carpet (really really need to do this!!!) NOPE, SKIPPED IT!
5. Water plants DONE
6. Declutter after weekend DONE
7. Sweep front porch NOPE, SKIPPED IT
8. Dust DONE
9. Vac DONE
IF I feel up to it, I will also clean the hallway closet. Not even going to list all that needs to be done...
Also have errands...
1. Take clothes to the consignment shop!!! NOPE, SKIPPED IT
2. Grocery store to pick up a few things. DONE
3. Pay bills (HATE this errand.... ) SKIPPED IT
4. Exercise!!!!! MUST get this in today. HALFWAY....MORE THAN I HAVE BEEN. I skipped a few of the major things I needed to do today, but I did accomplish more than I actually expected considering my mood. Sometimes it's good to put on the Nikes and "Just Do It."