Susie Homemaker - Monday's Monday again. Time to work on the living room, which always gets trashed over the weekend. However, this weekend it was driving me so crazy that before I went to bed on Saturday AND Sunday nights I went ahead and decluttered so I didn't have to look at the mess the next mornings. Made getting up so much nicer. Oh..and I cleaned the walk-in closet in my bedroom this weekend. Ahhhhhh.... I think I even slept better just knowing I can see the floor and actually WALK INTO the closet now!!! YIPPEE!!
Here's today's list...
Regular stuff:
1. Make beds
2. Laundry
3. Dishes
4. Sweep kitchen.
Living room:
1. Clean monitor, pictures, glass doors, tv screen.
2. Clean spots off sofa (shouldn't be too many!!)
3. Wash afghans
4. Spot clean carpet (really really need to do this!!!)
5. Water plants
6. Declutter after weekend (only a few things, thankfully since I decluttered all weekend so it wouldn't be so bad today)
7. Sweep front porch
8. Dust
9. Vac
IF I feel up to it, I will also clean the hallway closet. Not even going to list all that needs to be done...
Also have errands...
1. Take clothes to the consignment shop!!!
2. Grocery store to pick up a few things.
3. Pay bills (HATE this errand.... )
4. Exercise!!!!! MUST get this in today.
So...that's my list. Hope everyone has a productive day.
I get tired just reading about your days!
It's a busy day here at work already. I support folks that work on the road and from home (but never in the office) so they work all hours. Monday mornings are spent playing catch up from all the requests they send me over the weekend.
My other to do items:
1. The dog ate my glasses this weekend...luckily I have an old pair w/ a perscription close to what I was wearing, but I need to find out what my insurance covers and get an appointment pronto.
2. Started w/ a toothache this morning, so I also need to get a dentist appointment made.
3. laundry needs to be done as I was a slacker all weekend.
4. one piano lesson and the ever present gym time tonight. (5-7)
5. band practice (church worship team, I play piano and keyboards) (7:30 - 9)
I LOVE MONDAYS!!!!!!! They are always busy busy days... Love that kind of day!
1. J's School Time
2. Walk through with Swiffer Duster
3. Water plants
4. Run through with Vacuum
5. Run through with Swiffer Mop
6. Quick wipe down of the bathrooms
7. Laundry day!!!
8. Finish up dishes
9. Portion out meals for the week
10. Clean Microwave ( forgot top on beans and KABOOM)
11. Clean coffee pot - ah the smell of vinegar LOLOLOL
12. Call in my RX so Dale can pick it up on the way home
13. Update Norton on Dales computer ( ok no more putting it off )
14. Update Norton on Joshua's computer ( ok no more putting it off )
15. Work on the back porch. Going to be in the 50's today gotta get out of this house..
16. Check on Tax refund status
17. Make spiders with J today
18. Call and set up Bear Bears check up appointment
19. Prune Violets
20. Start making up rooms lists
21. Update One Up List
22. Do up Costco list - email to Dale
23. Ok I am sure there is more but that is all a half a cup of coffee has me coming up with lol.
Have a super duper day!!
Felicia =0)
1. J's School Time - Started
2. Walk through with Swiffer Duster - DONE!
3. Water plants - DONE!
4. Run through with Vacuum
5. Run through with Swiffer Mop
6. Quick wipe down of the bathrooms
7. Laundry day!!! - Started
8. Finish up dishes
9. Portion out meals for the week - DONE!
10. Clean Microwave ( forgot top on beans and KABOOM) - DONE!
11. Clean coffee pot - ah the smell of vinegar LOLOLOL - DONE!
12. Call in my RX so Dale can pick it up on the way home
13. Update Norton on Dales computer ( ok no more putting it off ) - DONE!
14. Update Norton on Joshua's computer ( ok no more putting it off ) - DONE!
15. Work on the back porch. Going to be in the 50's today gotta get out of this house..
16. Check on Tax refund status - DONE! MONEY MONEY MONEY
17. Make spiders with J today
18. Call and set up Bear Bears check up appointment
19. Prune Violets - DONE!
20. Start making up rooms lists
21. Update One Up List
22. Do up Costco list - email to Dale
23. Add wireless printer to Joshua's computer - DONE!
24. Add wireless printer to Dales computer - DONE!
Update! and DONE!!!
1. J's School Time - DONE!
2. Walk through with Swiffer Duster - DONE!
3. Water plants - DONE!
4. Run through with Vacuum - DONE!
5. Run through with Swiffer Mop - DONE!
6. Quick wipe down of the bathrooms - DONE!
7. Laundry day!!! - DONE for today lol!
8. Finish up dishes - DONE!
9. Portion out meals for the week - DONE!
10. Clean Microwave ( forgot top on beans and KABOOM) - DONE!
11. Clean coffee pot - ah the smell of vinegar LOLOLOL - DONE!
12. Call in my RX so Dale can pick it up on the way home - DONE!
13. Update Norton on Dales computer ( ok no more putting it off ) - DONE!
14. Update Norton on Joshua's computer ( ok no more putting it off ) - DONE!
15. Work on the back porch. Going to be in the 50's today gotta get out of this house.. - DO Tomorrow
16. Check on Tax refund status - DONE! MONEY MONEY MONEY
17. Make spiders with J today - DONE!
18. Call and set up Bear Bears check up appointment - DONE!
19. Prune Violets - DONE!
20. Start making up rooms lists - DONE!
21. Update One Up List - DONE!
22. Do up Costco list - email to Dale - DONE!
23. Add wireless printer to Joshua's computer - DONE!
24. Add wireless printer to Dales computer - DONE!
Felicia =0) ~~ Heads for Susan's house to give her a hand....
I totally agree!!!!!
And, there have been some AWESOME movies mentioned. I need to go to the video store now!!!! I think tomorrow I'll just veg in my room - in my bed - in my jammies and jus****ch movies all day. Who needs to clean house????
Anyone want some ocean front property in AZ? I've got some for sale - cheap.
Goodness, so many busy people. Today for me will be finishing up Kristen's taxes for her. I want to make up a few dinners for the week since I have no idea how I will be feeling after putting in a full day. I need to go and get my mantoux shot for starting work and while out I think I will get my hair trimmed. Getting a little bushy at the bottom. Need to call and pick up some prescriptions for Joe, do some general house cleaning. Just keeping busy with the day. I am sure things will be changing here soon with the job. Have a good day all......Gay
I adore reading this list every week. It brings back memories of when my children were young - and me too. Now, my most productive day includes pampering ME, and that goes to the top of the list.
Don't get me wrong, there is still the housework, laundry, grocery shopping, etc. to be completed - that never goes away. I can do it all with my eyes closed. But I finally learned that time spent taking care of myself is more important on my list of duties. Before you decide to send out a lynching party, remember that I have paid my housework dues for almost 42 years and raised two children. I hope my comments are not offending anybody.
You make me feel nostalgic for the days of children underfoot, baking cookies for my daughters, girl scout meeting, dance classes, toys all over the house and the million other nice things associated with being a young mother. At the time it felt so hectic, but some how it all got done in a day.
Now I have the joy of the grandchildren visiting and leaving their messes in every room. Can you believe I get pleasure when I see the empty cookie carton and dirty milk glass in their bedroom? It is a thrill when one of them calls and asks me to take them shopping, to a class or what have you. I am no longer too tired or overwhelmed by life.
I'm going to sit back and enjoy your days if you don't mind. you are all such fun.