Monday mornig weigh in...
YAY looks like everyone had a great week. I did too!!!
Looks like my body has finally figured out it is just me in here
Thyroid is on it's way down too (that is a good thing) so NOW things are working.
Surgery day - 356
last week - 294
This week - 288
YAY!!! 6 lbs gone!!!!!
That is so hugw to be as I only lost a total of 7 lbs in the entire month of Feb! WOW things are finally working again!!!!!!!
Here are cheers to another great week for everyone!
Oh my gosh, what a great week we have had. We are so awesome. Susan, how cool is it to no longer be obese. Congratulations. Just to be overweight is something I can not wait to say about myself. Tara, I too love to compare weight to other things. The other day I was carrying in a 25# bag of kitty litter from the store. I thought how heavy it was to carry and then realized I carried 4 of them around on me all the time before surgery. Really puts things into prospective when you think that way. Melissa, 6 pounds, way to go. And were you even able to exercise this week? Isn't it wonderful to hear how well we are all doing. So uplifting......Keep up the good work everyone. We can do this........Gay