Do you Yahoo???
I reinstalled my Yahoo IM the other day and was wondering if any of you have it??? It would be nice to chat with you all. If you are interested you can add me. My screen name is petalpuss2002. I know that sounds like a strange screen name but I started the account in 2002 and for the maiden name is Rose (flower=petals) I used to be called petalpuss at time by some of my best friends. They gave me all kinds of names due to my last has stuck threw the years, that is why my
email is [email protected] if any of you want that as well. I was born in 1967 so yes....I will be the big 40 this year!!!
Add me if you want
Lisa S.
Hey Lisa,
I know there are a couple people who have yahoo. I will put mine out here as I am a chatty cathy sometimes. Especially over this weekend and this week. I am on bed rest for the weekend till work on Monday and I dropped hubby off at the airport this morning for his job hunt in CO so I will definetely be on the puter! My screen name is webb1835. No real reasons just things that go with our family. Silly but hey it could be worse. I think it is a great idea to chat with those who want.
I have added you so maybe we will chat soon.
Great idea Lisa. Thanks for putting it out there. I have often checked in the chat room on this site and no one is ever in it. I would love to add your name on my list. Mine is jegoya1052 if you want to add mine. It is so funny how we get the names we use. Mine is a combination of Joe and my name and then the 1052 is birth month and year. It will be fun to chat at times. Anyone else on these boards who wants to add me is welcome to do so. Thanks again......Gay
I thought of asking this question before I went into the hospital with Dave, since I took my laptop with me. DUH!!! My screen name is tabbycumer...pretty obvious why...hee hee. I have IM'ed Tiff a lot and Aime a few times. I am on Yahoo all night while I am working and different times throughout the day. It'll be nice to chat with you guys.
Have a good weekend.