Goofy Coworkers
My coworkers(including my boss!) presented me with an award today. I big old ribbon that says "I lost 100 lbs!" They made me wear it (at least while they were standing there)..and they want me to wear it for the rest of the day and all day Monday, yeah right. I stuck it on my computer monitor.
The folks that sit near my boss say they made so much racket while making the thing that even all the VPs came out of their offices to watch. Can you say embarrasing (but funny). And here I was sitting out at my desk WORKING! (at least someone was).
Not sure if the link will work - if not just wander over to my profile, I have a picture posted there.
That is sweet Patricia...sounds like they are really excited for you. It is really nice when co-workers can appreciate the great job that you are doing.
I had someone yesterday that kinda pissed me off. Before I had my surgery she was one of those types of people that thinks everyone that has the surgery just looks awful after they lose a certain amount of weight. She came over to the photo lab yesterday and asked how much had I lost....I told her 67. Of course she was like WOW and then said "you are really looking good" then I knew the next words that would come out of her mouth and yep, she said "you don't need to lose anymore or you are going to look sick". I told her that I was 5'6 and weighed 197...that is still considered obese for my height. She said "what do the doctors want you to get down to?" I told her that he never really said but I think I should be around 150 at least. Of course her reply was "I think that is still down to much for you". I felt like slapping her up side of the head but told her that the ideal weight for my height is around 145-135. She said I would look like skin and bone if I got down to that. Everyone at work is used to seeing me big. I carry my weight pretty good and in fact had alot of people that couldn't believe that I was thinking of having the surgery because they didn't think I was that big. This is my body and I knew what I was feeling like so if they are going to make those negitive comments they can just leave me alone and don't look at me if they don't like it!!! I know that 130's are too low because I weighed 132 when I met my boys dad when I was 16 . I have seen those pictures and yes it is a bit too low for me. I guess I will go as low as the scales and my body will take me. With the way I feel now I would be happy to stay like this if I was to stop losing.
Ok, enough rambling about me....I just wanted to vent a little and of course congrat you on your lovely ribbon....WEAR IT LIKE A PRINCESS You deserve it!!!
Lisa S.