Susie Homemaker - Friday

Susan T.
on 3/1/07 9:56 pm - Waco, TX you ever have days where you just do NOT want to clean house, but feel like you HAVE to do it anyway? I'm having one of those. Don't want to do a darn thing, but know it's gotta be done so I can get this house on the market.'s today's list. I kept it light just because of my mood.... Regular chores: 1. Make beds 2. Dishes 3. Laundry 4. Sweep kitchen 5. Quick vac 6. Put out garbage/bring cans back after truck runs Today is the day I clean my bedroom and bath: 1. Washing sheets right now! Remake bed 2. Dust 3. Vac 4. Clean tv and mirrors 5. Sweet 6. Mop 7. Scrub tub, toilet and sinks 8. Wipe away handprints And, darn I AM going to clean out a closet. Just don't know which one. It seriously needs to be the walk-in closet in my bedroom, but it's soooo packed I just don't know if I'm up to tackling that one. Instead, I may do the hallway closet. It's a mess too. But not as bad only because it's a small closet!!! I have errands to do today also. 1. File taxes. 2. Take clothes to consignment shop 3. Drop off clothing to Goodwill/Ronald McDonald House (I split them up) 4. Check with my friend to see if her kids or nephews can wear any of the boys things before I donate them. Have a wonderful and productive day everyone!! Susan
(deactivated member)
on 3/1/07 10:05 pm - MT
That was me yesterday... 1. Dishes 2. Clean Crock Pot 3. Laundry - our bedding and bathmats 4. Vacuum whole house 5. Water Plants 6. Payday so gotta pay bills... 7. Get list ready for the store tomorrow 8. Run thru house with duster 9. Mop 10. Wipe down bathrooms 11. Put together next weeks curriculum for Joshua 12. School Time - Joshua 13. I am sure there is more but I haven't had my coffee yet so my brain is stuck in sleep mode... Best wishes on a great day!! *huggles* Felicia =0)
Susan T.
on 3/1/07 10:36 pm - Waco, TX
Sounds like a busy day for you today! Glad to know I'm not the only one who has days where she just doesn't want to do anything. Having a really hard time prying my behind out of this chair and getting started though. Susan
(deactivated member)
on 3/1/07 10:40 pm - MT
Ill pry yours out of your chair if you come pry mine out of my chair LMAOOO *huggles* Felicia =0)
Susan T.
on 3/1/07 10:49 pm - Waco, TX
It's a deal. You go first. Susan
(deactivated member)
on 3/1/07 11:45 pm - MT
Heck no lol that would mean I would have to get up first so you go first *grin* *huggles* Felicia =0)
(deactivated member)
on 3/2/07 3:58 am - MT
Update - 1. Dishes - DONE! 2. Clean Crock Pot - DONE! 3. Laundry - our bedding and bathmats 4. Vacuum whole house 5. Water Plants - DONE! 6. Payday so gotta pay bills... - DONE! 7. Get list ready for the store tomorrow - DONE! 8. Run thru house with duster - DONE! 9. Mop - DONE! 10. Wipe down bathrooms - DONE! 11. Put together next weeks curriculum for Joshua - DONE! 12. School Time - Joshua - DONE! Just got the laundry left but then again is it really ever done?? LOL *huggles* Felicia =0)
Patricia S.
on 3/1/07 10:11 pm - Glen Mills, PA
Patti Office Gal - Friday? Overslept!!!! Didn't wake up until 7, not good when I need to be at my desk ready to go by 8am. (phew made it) 8-5 - work. I've done some training already this morning, helping some new employees learn how to use Outlook etc. It's a quiet day at work so I am going to catch up on some "cleaning" here in the office. I plan to clean out both refridgerators (computer consultants can be pigs) and toss outdated, unmarked stuff - it's getting scary looking in them. Clean the microwaves (same situation) and the toster over and organize the fedex supply drawer. I also plan on cleaning away on this desk today so that I can leave at 5 knowing my space looks good. After work - grocery store - Need some things for the weekend, I have a potluck banquet tomorrow and need the stuff to make some soup for it. We also need a few things around the condo. Thats really about it. I've promised The Boy not to work out on Friday nights, it's "our time" - I offered to cook dinner, but he is thinking he wants to go out to try a new Mexican place that we think is opening up tonight.
Susan T.
on 3/1/07 10:48 pm - Waco, TX
Wow Patti!! I hated when I would oversleep and then have to rush to get to work on-time. Sounds like you made it though. WHEW! Also sounds like a busy day of office cleaning planned for you today. Good luck getting the office sparkling...and the fridge cleared of scary science projects. I like it that you and The Boy set aside a special night to be together. The mexican place sounds good to me. Can I come along?? Don't want to cook either.... Susan
on 3/2/07 1:34 am - Middletown, CT
RNY on 10/27/06 with
This is my every day!!! I hate it! I am unemployed and being the one to dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms and do dishes would be no biggie. BUT it takes all day to weed through the crap to just pick up before I can even attempt to do any of that. I live with my Hubby, mother and 22 yr old witch of a sister. My sister uses the whole house as her own personal changing room/hamper so there are clothes and thongs to be picked up every where. Mom and hubby with over flowing ashtrays and empty cig packs every where, soda and beer cans that they leave for the maid to clean up...I dont even drink beer or soda!!!! No one deals with their mail so there are teetering piles everywhere. Hubby is a computer guy so there are parts everywhere. I know that a big part of the problem is the house is too small to house my mothers 30 yrs of living here, Mine and hubbys apartment, and sisters dorm room, but if they would pick up after themselves so I could access surfaces to dust and floors to vacuum. Grrr...sorry for the novella but this thread just got me fuming too. I know how daunting it can be to be the homemaker. Put on some up beat music and dance as you work....will get in some exercize and keep you in better spirits!
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