Meeting In October!!!
Seems like everyone is okay with meeting up in West Virginia...or even Virginia Beach!!! I will start looking into areas in both states and see what we can come up with. I have no problem with hubbies going what so ever!! I will be gone the first week in October for my 1st birthday to the Cayman Islands and then of course 19th and 20th is out because of my high school reunion but any other is great with me. So if everybody is ok with starting on October 11 through October 15 or 16, let me know how that is with everyone and I will start looking into places and if you have a specific place let me know or even find some info on that place and lets look into it. This should give everyone time to start saving....I hope....this will be great!!!
Love ya and hugs,
Sounds good. I know myself, as I have 2 weeks of vacation time planned already and am sure most of the other week will be used with days off / hours off here and there, I won't be able to make that whole time frame. But you can count on me for at least Saturday and Sunday, might be able to take Friday and Monday too. Looking forward to meeting if things work out.
Sounds like you have things rolling. If there is something that I can do to help le tme know. I have family that live all over the East Coast so they might have some suggestions. I will check with them. If I can come or not will depend on the move. Co or not CO...that is the quiestion LOL. Sounds like a plan. From all I can remember we have no plans for Oct at all. We are hopefully going to finally take our honeymoon at our 1 year anniv. so that will be vacation in Aug for me too. Woo hoo what a year for vacation! Like I said let me know. Don;t tell anyone but gut feeling is that we will still be out herein NJ. and . Anywho you are a doll for starting this...if you need a co-captain I would gladly volunteer!