QOTD Results are in....
and it looks like we will be doing the QOTD daily....or almost. Maybe not on the weekends as we are all busy then. But, at least Monday - Friday.
The votes were 6 definites for daily and 5 people voted either maybe or a few times per week. As in any good democracy, majority rules. So, I'll be sending out another post tomorrow with more silly/crazy/interesting/thought provoking questions....
Hope everyone joins in and plays. It's always fun to get to know more about each other. I know I'm enjoying it.
YAY!!! I love being part of the majority rules! LOL I can;t wait to do them. I am crazy I know I love this kind of stuff. Also maybe put out there that if anyone has any good questions they should shoot them your way as well! I get emails like this all the time so I will have to send some your way for ideas.
Yay thanks!!!!