HMMMMM gonna have to say both but more of a gulper. I drink out of a camelbak bottle that goes EVERYWHERE with me. At work it is great cuase it does not spill. I am a nanny so spilling is not cool when it is not the kids LOL. Anywho I do some crystal light but can not do any plain water but once in a great while. Since surgery pouch has not really gotten along with it. I do drink VERY diluted juice though. No sugar added (not the light YUCK). For some reason it tricks my pouch. Basically really really watered down juice is what it tastes like. BUT it hets the fluid down.
You are amazing working with the little ones. My heart would just ache for them each and every time I saw them. What a strong person you are not only for the babies but you are strong for the parents of the little ones too! I know the nurses mean the world to them knowing their precious babies are getting such great care from you. You are awesome! I am so glad she is doing better today! I agree must have been all the love from you yesterday.
But back to drinking mostly a gulper....gotta get it all down!

Kudos to you takes a special person to work with those little angels. My son was NICU for a week after being born but he weighed 9-3 and was 22 inches long and blue as could be. They placed him in there because of his color and struggling for breath but he is 14 now and is doing wonderful and the NICU Nurses were so great with him!! So I would like to say a big "THANK YOU"!!
Now for the other...I would say I am both!! I have to watch myself...because I can cause myself lots of pain.

I guess I'm something in between a sipper and gulper. I try to be mindful and sip, but their not tiny sips. Sometimes I still forget and gulp, but I usually get a twinge of pain that reminds me not to do that.
Mostly, I drink water. Or ice tea with lemon, no sweetener. A cup of tea in the morning, occasionally coffee instead.