Upper GI in the AM
GGEEZZEEEEEEE.. Finally after 3 days of waiting and a million calls, I have my appointment in the morning. I am so nervous... I know it is just an upper GI but I am scared of the out come. I am the kind of person that I just rather not know what is wrong. I always deal with things when they get unbearable. Not a good idea in this case. Like I said before, I am scared they are going to tell me that the throwing up is my fault for some reason. Like, eating to fast, not chewing. But like Felicia said. Better to know so I can deal with it, what ever the reason.. She is so right. I will think of you Felicia and what you said while I am in there drinking that nasty stuff. Hee heee.. It weill help me get through it!! I have to fast tonight after midnight. No big deal. We have been though worse right? I will post an update as soon as I am done with my appointment. Well after my meeting when I get back to work. So noon or so Cali time.
I wanted to thank Tabby for being so great and caring through this. She has IM'd me every day to make sure I am ok. What a sweetheart! I just love ya girl!... My October Sisters are just number 1 in my book.
Luvs and Hugs!