Update on Son...
Well the we went to the dentist first thing this AM for the removal of the 2 front teeth. My son was such a trooper...though he did cry a few times but was a brave boy. So the problem of the teeth are gone he is still a little swallen in the face but I am sure since the teeth are out now that will go down as well. I am pretty sure that the tooth fairy is coming tonight.
Just wanted to let you all know that I appreciate all the kind words said on Friday. I am still not feeling the best with this sinus infection and I now have a issue with food again...ugh. Called the surgeons office and asked them a few questions and they think that I might need to have another EGD done as I have gotten sick so much lately that the closing has started to shut again. I am thinking if it is not one thing it is too.
There is the update.
Thanks for the update Deanne. I'm glad your son is doing better and did well at the dentist. Poor little guy! I'm sure the tooth fairy will be very good to him tonight after all he's been thru!
Now, time to start taking care of YOU. Hope you get good news from the EGD. When are they scheduling it? Take care and try to feel better.
He is such a trooper!! Makes me proud that he did so well. I am sure the tooth fairy will be good to him since all he has been through lately.
I know I need to care for myself now. I just wished this sinus infection would get over with and I would feel better but no such luck there yet. The EGD just called and they are going to get my chart but I will not know when they are going to schedule it until probably tomorrow she said so I sit and wait (and not eat or eat as little as possible) as I hate to feel like getting sick. Oh also this time my wate intake has been cut in half almost. Most days I was getting in 120-130 oz of water daily now it is down to 70 oz or so of water. I feel thirst all of the time but it does not go down so well after I drink it. Oh well after the EGD I am sure I will feel better soon.
I am SO glad to hear that your son is doing better. Infections can be awful (and dangerous too!)
Give him extra "mommy snuggles", they always help!
I am sorry to hear that you are feeling crappy though.....
Try to take care, make sure you get all of your medicine down so that YOUR infection will go away.
Hopefully, you will be better soon.
Hang in there,