42 g Protein Vials
I am not sure what brand I bought but I know that it had 42 g of protein. I think it said it was pure whey protein. I bought it at the Vitamin Shoppe and only bought 2 just to see if I liked it. Well, I took one to work with me and opened it to drink. It smelled good...fruit punch. I turned it up and it was soooo sweet, thick and syrupy. I thought I could chug it but I thought I was going to throw it up. I was able to keep it down. And yes, it made me thursty. The second one that I drank, orange, wasn't quit as bad. I guess I knew a little more about what to expect this time. I think the more I would drink of them the more I would get used to them. I think when I make another trip to Northern VA I will get some more along with the cans of Worldwide pure protein. I bought the banana cream and it was so good. It had 32 g of protein. I also bought some of the high protein puddings,vanilla -20 g of protein. It was ok, I think I would have liked the banana better but didn't have any in stock. I will be making a trip down as soon as I get my tax return here in the next week or so. I am going to buy out the store....hehehehe!!!
Lisa S.
Hey, I am a huge fan of the vials!!! I use the New Whey Vials. They come in 25 and 42g 'doses'...for lack of a better word.
I want to reiterate the warning that my nutritionist gave me.....our new systems cant absorb the full 42g of protein in 1 shot. She recomended splitting it up ...drink half now and half later. OR just get the 25g vials and do a whole one at a time.
Protein is so very important to us right now that we want to make sure that we absorb all that we take in.
Felicia, I love your positive spin on the thirst factor! You are so right, anything that helps us get in the fluids is a plus!!!