Got my pictures taken today!!
They were AWESOME!!! I am so excited to show them to you guys. The come back form the lab on Feb. 12, so I will try to get them scanned and up on my blog within a couple days of that. I am so excited. I am surprising my husband with them. I got 3 different ones of just me and one of me and the kids. Did I tell you how great they were.
Going to look great in my scrapbook.
What have you done for YOU lately????
Thanks, guys. I'm pretty sure the kids will keep the suprise. Meg is too young to blab and Nate usually talks out his ass anyways, so Dave won't understand what he is saying. He knew we were going to get Meg's Pictures taken. I took a different shirt to put on before I got home, so he would ??? why I was dressed up. He asked to see the proof sheet and I said that the kids were so bad by the time we were done that I left before she printed it. "I guess I forgot to get it." was my response. Hee Hee. Hope he didn't pick up on that. I am SUCH a bad liar. I break a smile when I try to lie. It will be a nice surprise, I hope.
Thanks again for the support.