When is
When is it that things in life are just not enough anymore. (Please do not get the wrong idea here...read on!!!) I have been wondering what I want to do with life since I have a new take on life now since WLS. I am happy with family and all those situations and up until surgery I thought that I was with work but now I find it that I want more out of a "job" than I have at this one. I have been here almost 2 years so I am pretty comfy where I am but I am having thoughts of doing more. I have thought about going back to school and really considering it more now than I have ever in my life but I can not narrow it down to what I want to do (and let me tell you they can not even be related fields of study). Is anyone else experiencing that they just need more out of life then what they currently have. I am taking to hubby tonight about me going back to school so I can see where he stands on it. (now I just need to narrow it down)
Any help out there??
I wish I could help you, but I'm in the same quandry. I just don't know what I want to do when I grow up....and I need to figure it out pretty soon as I'll be 40 this summer!!
I am interested in many different fields and feel I would do well in any of them. The problem is, I don't see myself doing ANY of them for any length of time. As my Mother says, I'm a Jill of all trades and trying to do them all.
So, if you figure out how to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your lfie....let me know. I'm in desperate need of the same info.
You might try looking online for the Strong Interest Survey (I'm pretty sure that's the name) and the Meyers-Briggs. These are very good resources for helping you to sort out what you might want to do next.
I went back and got my degree in my 30s. It's a challenge, but it's a great thing. The proudest moment of my life, and one of the most emotional, was when they put that diploma in my hand
I think it's a normal side effect of healing, to want to heal other parts of your life, to take on new things and grow. Go for it!
I did the Myers-Briggs test. OMGoodness!! It was like these people knew everything about me. It was very interesting.
I found out I am an ESFJ. Some famous people who are also ESFJs are Presidents William McKinley and Bill Clinton! Also, Nancy Kerrigan, Desi Arnaz, Sally Field...and a bunch of others that I don't remember now.
The one that cracked me up the most was in the fictional characters....Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh. Now I know why I've always identified with him - especially when Tigger comes thru and messes up his garden. LOL
I'd love to take the Strong Interest Survey but don't want to spend the almost $60 to take it....and that's at a discount!! Oh well...
I'm glad you found the Meyers-Briggs helpful. It's really a wonderful resource, isn't it? I am an INTJ (as are Colin Powell, Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson, Susan B Anthony, and...Augustus Caesar...gosh, I feel like I should be running the world!). You can look at those results and recognize immediately why you're not happy in a particular job.
Wow - I didn't realize the cost of the Strong Interest Survey. It's a very good, comprehensive test, but I am certain you can find similar tests online for free. Maybe google "career interest test" or the like.
Good luck!
I am so glad that I am not the only one with this outlook. I have been investigating on line about schools and don't know what I want to do when I grow up. I have a Associates Degree in Science majoring in Medical Office..I am also a JILL. So maybe we should talk about this more and give each other help on this. Like..What is interesting to you? and ask other ?'s, I am game!!
I don't know whether I am happy or not. Even before the sugery I thought I wanted to go to school to be a sonographer. I would love to ultrasounds on pregnant women, but the more I think of it I don't know if I really want to do that because when everything is going good, it would be great, but what if you do an u/s and find the baby not moving/breathing or find a tumor...no, I think I might just stay with my job that doesn't expect anything from me right now.
Let us know what you decide on and what your husband says. What field are you thinking about. Keep us posted.