OT: My AeroGarden Babies!!
Ok so back on the 3rd of January I got my Aero Garden. http://aerogrow.com in case you want to learn more. Well as of Wednesday its been 3 weeks since I set it up and got everything growing. I just had to show you how far they have come in just THREE weeks!!
Ok so I am a plant addict but I am so excited that this is actually working. I LOVE fresh herbs but ACK who can afford them and they don't last long.
Anyways thats my babies lol.
I have tried for years and years to grow herbs. I can grow them like weeds out side but I wanted them for inside during the off season. I always killed them dead!!! Well except rose mary, sage and lemon thyme I can grow them inside but they are woody herbs so I think thats why. Everything else dropped dead on me lol. This has been awesome. I am so excited. I even got to pick a leaf off the sweet basil today and add it to my lunch. WAS YUMO!!!!!!!