Question Of The Day
I remember quite clearly. My MIL had the surgery about 5 years ago now and had been pushing me to do it, my docs were all pushing too. I met a few women who had done it and was curious so I started looking into mom freaked. Truly freaked. That was at the point where research showed that it was near impossible to have a successful pregnancy after WLS and I wanted wanted grand kids.
I got engaged to my hubby Todd and joined Curves to try to drop some worked. I dropped 43lbs bringing me down to 307 for my wedding day. 9-9-05
Then Dec 26 2005 I fell at work and broke my ankle. I was out of work, depressed, confined to the couch pretty much and eating everything that didnt run away. By may I was miserable, the ankle wouldnt heal properly and I was suspecting PCOS. So I started researching again and while googling pregnancy after WLS I found Kaye Bailey and her neighborhood of people living after WLS at I got so much info there about the surgery, how having WLS doesnt have to define you, how you really can get out and LIVE after WLS. They turned me on to this site and others that answered a lot of my questions. I had the facts to bring to my mom to prove that a pregnancy was much more healthy at a *normal* weight despite the method used to get there and that the biggest concern was the malabsorptive issue and that additional monitering during pregnancy was required to make it a healthy one for mom and baby. I made up my mind and never looked back. I am back to the weight I was at my wedding and my weight can only go down from here. I have at least another 15 months before we can try....but a baby is deffinitly in my future.
What made me say "Ok time for WLS!":
I was with two of my closets friends whom by the way are both overweight and we were sitting at a restaraunt(sp) and noticed how much food was on out plates and I was just plain tired of eating. I knew I didn't want to continue down this path, I wanted a change. My mom passed away in 2004 from a major stroke at the age of 55 and I didn't want my life to end as soon as hers did and I know if I kept going down that road I would not have made it passed 45. I wanted to see my boys grow into great men and have great families.
Oddly enough, it began with learning to love my body, just as it was. I had a very big awakening at a Pagan festival last April, and I finally got that my body is precious and beautiful, in spite of all that has happened through the years...I am Goddess.
After that, it was a sort of serendipity - a few weeks later I met a stranger on the bus who told me about her upcoming surgery and the wonderful surgeon she was dealing with, etc. I went home and did some half-interested research...and then I read that 90% of T2 diabetics who have the surgery lose all symptoms. At that moment, I decided I would do this.
What a blessing...all of it...
I truly had to mant to count. But the moment I knew I HAD to do it was when hubby had his and I saw him losing and I KNEW I did not want to be left behind. I guess you could say that was the push that I needed. That and knowing insurance would cover it 100%. That was it for me. It was a done deal. Once I made the decision it was less than a month from initial consult to surgery. It was awesome!
When my doc first mentioned it to me, I was angry. How could he suggest such a thing! I asked my other docs what they thought and they allagreed it would be a good idea. I still wasn't convinced.
I think the turning point for me was when I was having physical therapy. The therapist was using a stimulating tool on my legs at the highest setting, and I couldn't feel it. I knew then that the diabetes was starting to take a serious toll on my body despite my following the diet. My A1C's were at 6.1 which is great for a diabetic.
Another thing that really bothered me was when my bed rail broke. That made me feel so fat.