always tired
Hi Allison!
Have you had your blood levels checked recently? The first thing that came to mind was you might have a deficiency somewhere. Or, possibly dehydration. If this continues, you may want to check in with your doctor to see what is going on.
Take care of yourself!! Protein first, vitamins, water and exercise!!!
Aw, Allison. So sorry to hear that you have been so tired. That stinks. It is hard to tell what is wrong without bloodwork. I did hear someone on here before say that they were tired and after taking B-12 their energy picked up. I was told that the sublingual (under the tongue) is more beneficial. I was using the drops, but switched because I was told my body gets more from the sublingual.
Winter Blues is very possible this time of year. I have been in a funk all weekend. It has been snowing here, which is beautiful, but I just miss the sun.
Hope you snap out of it soon. Does exercise help?
Take Care,