How much do you eat?
I'm wondering how much everyone else is able to eat at a meal at this point.
My nutritionist suggested that I may need to have the opening stretched because I can't get the food in. For instance, I had a bowl of navy bean soup. I was able to get in maybe 1/4 cup in 30 minutes, didn't eat anything else for the meal. Then I get this pain in my chest, like the food isn't going down. Same thing when I try Wendy's chili, which, ironically, I was able to get down at 6 weeks. The only thing that goes down easily is cottage cheese, egg salad and yogurt.
Marie, Definetly call you DR. It sounds a lot like a stricture and I have had three and that does mean stretching your opening so food can go through. It is a simple procedure and you are placed in a twilight sleep. Please call you DR in the morning because it can get to where nothing goes down. Let us know what happens..
I agree with Angela. This sounds like it could be a stricture, which is something you definitely need to have taken care of immediately. Call your surgeon!!! And, then let us know how you are doing. I'm worried about you.
As for how much I eat....It's closer to 1/2 cup in 30 minutes.....Unless it's soup, chili, etc...then I can eat more than that.