Calories: 556
Fat: 8g ( only 3 from sat fat )
Carbs: 21g
Net Carbs: 19g
Fiber: 2g
Protein: 97
Fluids: 64 oz
B: Pro Complex Shake w/ Hoods FF Milk
S: Carrots
L: Pro Complex Shake w/ Hoods FF Milk
D: Broccoli, Carrots, Pork Tenderloing, Parm & Feta Cheese
S: Pro Complex Shake w/ Hoods FF Milk
Rough day on the tummy... was easier to have shakes then real food...
Had an ok day. Only made it to 60 protein though but got all fluids in. Tummy just was not into the food mood today. I am so glade to see everyone else (except you Felicia
) had a good day. At least Felicia got all the protein in. I need another shake but it just is not going to happen tonight. Tomorrow is a new a fresh day and WILL be better.
night night,