Protein / Fluids... How did it go?
Well, I've got the protein in...but I'm still working on the fluids.
However, since I bought some new teas today, that should not be a problem. I bought a multipack with 6 different types in it and then I bought a Country Peach one that just sounded YUMMY. I've got the water hot and I'm off to try that one NOW!!! After that I just need one more cup and I've got all my fluids for the day. WHEW...
Hey Felicia,
I got all my protein in. I had the greatest lunch. Salmon and hummis (sp??) saved the rest for dinner. We have a fish grill here and it is sooo good. Havent had Salmon since surgery and It went down very well. Didnt get sick.. Now for water??.. hhmmmm.. I so suck at getting all my water in. but it is only 7:22 pm here. So I still have a chance..
Glug, glug, glug. thats me drinking. hee heee..