Plateau at 2.5 weeks?
It is normal for a plateau any where from weeks 2-4. I increased my exercise activity to get over mine and lost 5 lbs in 3 days doing so. It just is a sign that your body needs to get adjusted to the new weight that you recently have lost so quickly.
Keep up what you are doing and it will pass shortly.
Sounds like we are all having a halt on our weight loss right now....I said I wouldn't get on the scale at home and I did it.... and not one pound lost since the 30th!!! So today it is really nice out and I am going to take the dog for alot of walks!!!! Drink my water like I should be and hope that this makes the weight get off!!!!
Good luck to all!!!
Hugs Judy
I am doing pretty well with the pureed foods. I found that I HATE protein drinks... they weren't bad pre op, but post op.... so gross. I bought ProCel, which is supposed to be virtually tasteless, and it is in food, but not liquid. But it is on the expensive side and I found that Red Star nutritional yeast is cheaper, has 2 more grams of protein per 1.5 tablespoon serving, and tastes like cheese in foods, so I have been adding that to all my foods instead. I still use the ProCel in creamy things like pudding, yogurt, and creamed soup.
As far as the actual eating, I get full pretty quickly and don't make it past the protein portion. But I found that prueeing a protein and veggie portion on a Lean Cuisine or smart one works out well. Also, Fat free refreid beans are GREAT!!!!
I am so greatful I findly found the right messageboard I also lost 20lbs fast and then nothing sometimes I don't know if I should eat-drink-do nothing I'm just getting do discouraged any protein supplement I drink or use makes me nauseated so I'm trying soft food with protein to help thanks for letting me know I'm not alone
Someone posted on the main board that they weren't losing and the Nut noticed that she was not drinking protein shakes. Nut told her 2-3 shakes a day to get in the needed protein and the weight would start to fall off again. She did and it did. It makes sense with the Ketosis and all. If you are not doing 2-3 protein shakes, get those in and see what happens.
I stalled at 2 weeks as well. I obessesed over the scaled daily for several days and gave it up so I would not be discouraged. I will not weigh again until Monday. I am hoping to have dropped quite a bit more. My clothes are fitting differently and my hubby says I feel different. So even if the scales aren't moving, things are changing.
Keep pressing toward the prize!