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Jane C.
on 4/24/07 11:23 am - Florence, KY
Topic: I was in a fashion show!!!
Check out my profile for my pictures. I as in a fashion show. I had so much fun. It was sponsored by the DressBarn. I never in my entire life would have dreamed that I would model clothes. What a WOW moment. Jane PS Hope everyone is well.
on 4/21/07 12:59 am - Evansville, IN
Topic: RE: surgery
Hey gang, I am home ( I got to come home on Wednesday) from my hysterectomy, they had to take everything. My doctor said that endometriosis had taken over everything. While my doctor had me open he found a large hernia so he fixed that also. I guess I am on the road to recovery - but man does it HURT!!!!! Thanks for all of the thought and prayer.. Hope everyone is doing great - Take Care!!!! Misty
Peggy B.
on 4/19/07 2:39 pm - Westlake, LA
Topic: RE: How are we doing at 17 months out?
Hi, all! Glad to see everyone again. I know! I've been missing in action here on the boards for awhile. Life has really gone bonkers for me since surgery! Hours whirl away in a blur every day. I have also stalled in weight loss. I'm content where I'm at, but one day soon want to try and lose the remaining 15 pounds. I've reached my doctor's goal for me and he is pleased with my weight loss. Hubby likes this new me, too. : ) Hubby has a new job on St. Croix, Virgin Islands! Lil' ole me! Living on an island. Who would have thought? We'll be there for at least two years and maybe eight if the company he works for gets the five year renewal contract. We live near one of the bays and when my winds are open, I can hear the waves lapping at the sand near the boat lauch. I watch sailboats go by all day long from my drawing table near the window in the living room. At this present time, though, I am back in Louisiana helping my daughter plan for her wedding on May 26th. Next weekend I'm throwing her a bridal shower. Fun, fun, fun! Her wedding will be here at home outside. We've rented a big tent in case it rains. She wants a country-style wedding. It's going to be beautiful with all the spring flowers coming into bloom. The same weekend, on May 27th, my baby boy graduates from high school. (The reason for the two big events on the same weekend is because hubby can only take a week off since he's just started a new job.) I can't believe my baby is going to be in college next year! June is my artshow here in Lake Charles, LA! I'm still working on paintings to sell. I have plenty of graphite sketches to show, but need a little more color to hang to make the show a little more lively. Fun, fun, fun! July and August I'm heading back to the island to be with hubby. I can't wait!!! I have a couple of friends who have recently started playing golf. I'm going to take back my clubs and start playing again. I took lessons several years ago, never was very good but had lots of fun. Mid-September I'll be back in Louisiana because my first grandbaby will be born! Yup, my daughter is not only getting married, she's gonna have a baby, too. On May 7th, hopefully we'll find out if the baby's a boy or girl. Then I can start spoiling him or her by going shopping. I'll get to go back to the island to spend the holidays with friends and hubby. Next year I don't expect to be traveling back and forth between Louisiana and St. Croix so often. I always wanted to travel...they say be careful what you wish Oh! My book Tempest Roars is being considered for publication with The Wild Rose Press. I'm working with a wonderful editor to get my manuscript ready for print. Keep your fingers crossed that next year my book will be available for purchase! I pray that everyone here is having as wonderful a life since surgery as I am. I would never have dreamed this life I now live would ever be! It is so exciting to wake up and find out what the day holds for me. Congratulations everyone! We've come a long way!!! Hugs! Peggy B.
vickie R.
on 4/18/07 1:46 am - danville, KY
Topic: RE: Easter Candy confession
Hey its ok to eat candy lol,i do a hersheys run daily.Anyways to concuer these addictions you may need help.But dont wait to late there is always back to the basics...........Vickie
vickie R.
on 4/18/07 1:40 am - danville, KY
Topic: RE: surgery
Hi Misty,how are you,i will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers,you take whatever time you need to recover...........take care. Vickie
(deactivated member)
on 4/15/07 11:20 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Topic: RE: Easter Candy confession
Girl, you are definitely not alone. Conquering a food addiction, like any other addiction, is going to be a life-long battle for us. Recognizing that and taking steps as soon as you realize you've "fallen off the wagon," so to speak, is so very important. So I applaud you for posting about your experience, and for seeking help to work on dealing with your food addiction. Good luck for continuing success on your journey! Kellie
Jane C.
on 4/13/07 2:00 pm - Florence, KY
Topic: RE: Easter Candy confession
Hey Rebecca I too hit the Easter Candy hard. But I took it from my nephew who I babysit for. I use to dump on sugar but not lately. My lowest was 149 I am at 157. I feel like I am in control but then all of a sudden its there and I eat it. Hoping to get sick. So you are not alone. Tomorrow we are having a health fair. I hope to talk to the psychologist in one of the open sesions. I have alot going on with my dad. I really thought I wasn't a person who ate out of depression but I know I am. Good luck. Don't beat yourself up. Just think its not a huge amount of weight like before. We are not hopeless. We can fix this before it gets out of control. Jane
on 4/13/07 2:32 am - Lexington, OH
Topic: Easter Candy confession
I ate it. All of it. 3 kids worth of Easter candy, gone in 2 days and they may have gotten one or two pieces. I've snuck from 127 (my lowest), to 130-131 (my "usual") to 136 (post-Easter candy binge). My size 4s are snug, my size 6s fit like my 4s did. I dont care what size I am, but I've used that as a kind of guideline.... On the plus side, I FINALLY made an appointment with my PMD to get a referral to see a therapist to FINALLY deal with my food addictions once and for all. Wish I'd done it sooner, but better late than never, and better now than when I gain all my weight back, right??? I hope I am, but someone please tell me I'm not alone??? Rebecca
Jane C.
on 4/12/07 11:27 am - Florence, KY
Topic: RE: surgery
How about some prayers? It was weird for me after surgery I stopped having my periods. I just thought it was from the wt loss. I went to the doctor 14mths post op and they did lab work. I went thru menopaus. I was only 45 everything just stopped so I am very lucky.. I hope all goes well. Jane
on 4/11/07 10:41 pm - Jasper, GA
Topic: RE: surgery
Not any words of advice really, just words of encouragement. I hope everything goes well for you on Monday.
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